Chapter 10

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Weeks had passed and I found myself in the brothel that my family owned, trying to prove myself to Amber. She hadn't uttered a word to me since the truth came out, but I was doing everything I could to at least get back into her good graces enough to steal the business from her. Even though I feel like I shouldn't have to steal what's rightfully mine, she took control of everything and wrote me out. I wasn't in the family on papers, but my reputation preceded me and I was getting by off of that.

Niggas were only doing business with me based off of the work they'd done with me in the past. It hadn't gotten around that Amber had written me out of the business because she liked to keep our family business private. She wasn't going to blast it that she laid up with a random nigga and somehow got pregnant. How and he don't even have a d*ck? I was still trying to figure that one out and still couldn't find an answer.

But from what I've heard, her stomach is getting bigger. I haven't seen her since the truth came out, but I kept in contact with Fantasy who was always able to get me the scoop on her and what she was up to. But the less and less contact I had with Amber, the more my hatred grew for her. It was slowly dwindling on me that she hated me because we've never gone this long without talking, or seeing each other for that matter. We always made a way to contact each other.

I sat at a table across from my Grandpa's partners and connects. After that crazy dinner, where all of my business was laid on the table, the connects haven't been in contact with me. The dinner was supposed to be to renegotiate contracts, but that all went south because Amber doesn't know how to separate business from pleasure. She exposed our family secrets to the connects, and now, I was coming to reason with them since I was sure they were looking of a way out of any business dealings with us.

I sat in a conference room at one of the shifty hotels my Grandpa was fronting money through. It was a five star hotel, but it sure as hell didn't come cheap. Some of the biggest ballers in the city spent nights at this hotel and rented girls my Grandpa had available for the times that they'd be here. The people that stayed here were usually in and out within hours, or even a day, but none stayed longer than that.

Many stayed under the radar, and after staying at the hotel for a few hours and getting their rocks off with some of the hoes, they'd leave but keep their tab running for a few days to create an alibi for the absence. So, because of that, the hotel wasn't really busy unless business needed to be discussed.

"Now I'm sure you all are probably wondering why I gathered you all here today," I began, trying to speak as professionally and as polite as possible. I felt like I was walking on egg shells since I had no connects, no dealers, no distributors and absolutely no ties to the family business anymore. I was out on my own and I had to do anything I could to get back up on top, even if that meant putting on a front for these niggas. "I'm here to discuss business with you all."

Leo sucked his teeth, shaking his head. "Please don't let it be another show like last time. I mean, I couldn't even finish my dinner without witnessing a murder and clearly a family secret you knew nothing about blown up in your face. I mean, seriously, why should we even do business with y'all after that shit?"

"I understand things didn't go as planned during the last meeting, and for that, I sincerely apologize to the both of y'all," I spoke to he and Dave. I could tell they were ready to go and didn't want to do business with us after Amber's spectacle, but I couldn't let them leave without securing my future first. "I mean, I wasn't expecting any of the to happen. I wasn't even expecting it to be a business dinner. To my knowledge, I only thought I was meeting with Amber."

Dave scoffed. "Yeah, or whatever she wants to call herself today. You need to check her and put her in her place. This game ain't no place for women, especially crazy bitches. In a matter of minutes, she single-handedly ruined the legacy Q left behind. If it weren't for our relationship with him, you all would've been out of business, broke and begging on the streets weeks ago."

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