Chapter 6

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Months had passed and I was slowly but surely regaining a sense of who I was. I finally felt like I had a purpose in life once all of the drugs were detoxed from my body. My mind was clear enough for me to think, finally. I haven't thought any real thoughts in years, only what Amber and my Dad wanted me to think or when my next fix was coming. I finally felt like I meant something again.

King still had me up in this nasty ass motel and the longer I stayed, the worse it got. People were constantly fighting in the parking lot in the back, gun shots rang throughout the night and the number of kids running up and down the hallway all day was enough to make anybody's skin boil. 

I was ready to get out of here after laying low for five long months, but King had been adamant on keeping me here just for my own safety. But I was ready to go. I was ready to go out and explore the world Amber and my Dad robbed me of so many years ago. I was ready to go out and see what I missed because it's not like I'm getting any younger.

My eyes jolted up to the door when I heard King knocking. I knew it was him because, even after five months, nobody else knew that I was here. I'm sure they gave up looking for me awhile ago because they probably assumed I was dead anyways. But it made no difference for me. I've had my identity and life stolen from me once, so if everybody thinks I'm dead now, then I'll have a chance to rebuild and start a new life for myself.

King walked into the room with the biggest smile on his face. Just seeing my son smile made me happy. It always made me happy seeing how Amber and my Dad weren't able to rub off of on him the way that everybody thought they would. I could see that they corrupted him with their bad ways, but he wasn't down right evil like the two of them. King still had some good left in him; he just needed the right person to bring it out of him. 

"Oh, you're happy today," I said to him as I turned back to the mirror to fix my hair. After all of these years, my hair was finally starting to grow and I was so happy to see it touching my shoulders again. "What's got you smiling so much?"

"I'm a father now. I didn't get to call you last night because Hennessy called and told me that her water broke and she was going into labor yesterday evening. So, I rushed over to the hospital to be with her. She was in labor for 14 hours H. I felt like I was losing my mind just sitting there waiting for my baby to come out, but when she came, I swear it made me the happiest man in the world. I don't ever think I've been this happy, like ever," he said in what seemed to be one breath.

It was a lot to process at once. I knew he had a girl pregnant. Who she was? I really didn't know, except for the little bit he told me when he wanted to get some bitches to beat her ass for disrespecting Amber. Old Heiress would've went behind his back and got the girls to whoop Amber's behind, but I knew I had to be mature since I was going to be a Grandmother. And because I wanted to deliver Amber's justice with my own two hands. She's not going out easy if she's up against me. She made my life a living hell, so once I kill her, she's going to burn in hell for the rest of her life. 

So I guess he took my advice and didn't let those bitches whoop her ass. I knew he'd regret it because that could mean he'd possibly lose his baby, so I'm glad he listened to me and called them off. It was stupid anyways. I get he's naive and doesn't know the truth about his real family, but I believed the girl when she said Amber threatened her. Trust me, Amber deserves whatever's coming to her and doesn't deserve to be protected by anyone. She needs to die the same way my bitch ass Daddy did: alone.

"Congratulations baby," I said as I pulled him into a hug. I was excited about being a Grandmother and possibly having a chance to build a bond with his daughter since I wasn't able to build one with him, but it was bittersweet. My son has a child and he doesn't even know who his real mother is. Just the thought of Amber and my Dad ruining my relationship with my son  made my stomach turn. I felt like I could've thrown up just thinking of what they did to me. "I'm so proud of you. I know you'll be a great father."

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