Chapter 3

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5 hours later I stopped in front of the Badica house and it was eerily quite.

"Dimitri. Something's wrong. I can feel it. Something is really wrong. Something's coming. Something that will change the world as we know it." Her voice took on a spooky quality. Almost like Babushka. Not my Roza too. I didn't need my love being a vrăjitoare too. One future teller was scary enough, the bound best friend and future guardian of the last Dragomir too would be the death of me.

"What is it Rose? What can you sense?" I gently prodded.

"Death. On a massive scale. Planned attacks on Royal targets. Humans. Humans and stakes. The sun isn't safe. The night holds terror, the day freedom for Strigoi with human assistants. Our world is changing and we can't do anything." Uh oh.

"Rose. Can you tell what's inside that house?"

"Death. All dead. A message. A message in blood. Broken wards- a stake closer to the back." She had a look in her eyes similar to the one when she was in the princess' head but scarier. Especially her voice quality and responsiveness to my questions.

"Rose. Rose. Come out of it. We need to take a look."

"7, Dimitri. 7 Strigoi." With that she came out shaking.

"Oh Roza."

"Dimitri" she was on the verge of tears "that was scary. It started out as a weird feeling. But then I could see it. A message in blood on a mirror in the house. The stake in the ground- me almost tripping over it. The humans using it knowingly. I saw the attack. The Strigoi entering and killing, the terror, shock and surprise. The fight. I saw it. I don't want to go in but I have to. I saw that too."

"Let's get this over with. There's a blanket in the trunk." We got it out and I wrapped it around her, pulling her close. She was in shock. Freezing and shivering. We walked around and found the stake. We walked in through the broken back sliding door and Rose buried into my chest crying. "I saw this happen. I saw it. The screaming, terrified children. A frozen Art Schoenberg. Dimitri, I'm scared. Terrified." Shit! Rose Hathaway never, I mean never shows or let alone admits' weakness. I had a very vulnerable Rose in my arms.

"Come on" I whispered into her hair, stroking the side of her cheek keeping a tight grip around her waist. "Where's this message? Show me, I know you don't want to, but I'm right here." She led me to the bathroom. A message in blood on the mirror- one about dying royal lines. Shit! She was right. Our world was changing- dramatically.

"Rose. I'm calling a team in. Let's go back to the car." She moved as if on autopilot- this was not a good sign.

She didn't leave my arms. Even when the swat team came. This was a process she had to see. She knew the theory of it but was yet to see it enacted. I didn't want to put her through it again but she was strong, she'd pull through. There were a few questions asked about why she was in my arm.

"She's in shock. Not necessarily from the sight inside but..." I turned to Rose "can I tell them?" She thought about it snuggling into my chest and nodding. That was a massive concession on her part. Just like letting a few people in about the bond and this was hours not years old. And hurting her. It was a terrible way to have such a gift revealed. I turned back to the team. "We pulled up and she was saying she could sense something was wrong. A change was coming, then she saw everything that happened, as if in real time. She has just become a vrăjitoare. She has the gift of prophecy and more."

"She's bound to the Dragomir Princess too? Shadow kissed?"

"How do you know?" She twisted her head to face the guardian. Then recognition lit her eyes. "Spiridon?" She turned slightly to see the other face she knew "Ben?". Victors guardians- they hadn't been jailed for long- a week to get a point across. They were put straight back into work, they were some of the best and couldn't jail them for being Victor's pawns.

"Spiridon!" She squealed and bolted over to him. I'll admit a pang of jealousy ran through me. Especially when he took her in and stroked her hair. It must have shown somehow.

"Belikov. Relax I know she's yours. She's just happy to have another friendly face around!"

"I'm forgiving you for your involvement as Victors pawn. I can see your future- you're going to become Liss's other guardian."

What?! I, not Spiridon, was meant to be Roses' guarding partner.

"Relax comrade- you get Christian once we graduate!" She laughed. Still in Spiridons' arms.

"You'd better be right Rose" I warned. I wasn't enjoying the sight of her in his arms, happy too.

"Settle Belikov." Uh oh. Her ability to read me had increased ten fold. She stepped out of his arms "better? I could see your mental reactions before they happened!"

"Rose! That's not fair!"

"Payback's a bitch!"

"For the '80's and country music?"

"A little. More for trying to send me into Masons waiting arms."

"Rose!" I chastised.

"Come on. Let's get this over with" she turned to Ben and Spiridon "come on you two! We don't have all day!" They nodded, unsure if she just used the phrase in the normal way or if she had seen something.

We all followed her in, through the front door. She let the team take over and fell back into my arms. Clearly unsure how she'd react this time. She watched and absorbed the process. I could feel her tense as she clearly flashed back when we entered the rooms. I was proud of her. This was tough for any guardian, she was a novice who had just been turned into a vrăjitoare too. She was special- I had know the moment I had seen her. She was proving me right that she had potential- more than I had ever thought. Gifted in more ways than one.

"Sleep Rose. You've been through a lot. We've got five hours and I'm not going anywhere without you on that time."

"I am exhausted comrade but I'm scared of these new powers."

"You'll adjust. My grandmother is a vrăjitoare. You'll adjust. I think I'm going to be the freaked out one more. The love of my life is not just a badass, shadow kissed, resurrected and bound woman, but one with the gift of insight."

"Dimitri Belikov!" She teased "that did not help!"

"Sleep. Don't make me have to turn it into an order."

"Fine." She sighed, putting the seat back she yawned and was out like a light in seconds. God she was so beautiful. I loved her so much. We would get used to this new development- together.

When we returned to the academy I carried her like a little child on my hip to Alberta's office. She needed to be in the know. I softly knocked on her door, Rose still asleep, and entered before Alberta's yelling could wake up my sleeping beauty.

"She's asleep Guardian Petrov" I said quietly as a warning. Rose would be crabby as ever if woken after the last 36 hours.

"What happened?"

"She's a vrăjitoare Petrov. With foresight and retro sight. She saw the attack. Played out like a movie. And more. She saw the sight 4 or 5 times in total." I gave her a rundown of the past 36 hours.

"Get her to the clinic Belikov" Alberta said, knowing I wouldn't have as Rose wouldn't.

"With all due respect. She hates the clinic and this is not something we want running around."

"I thought as much. The two of you stay here. We'll discuss the fallout of this attack in the morning. If she is so gifted I want her here too. The guardians and Kirova need to know. We'll keep it out of the students gossip and rumour mill."

Dimitri's point of view in A Different Frostbite (A Vampire Academy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now