DPOV- In a Different Shadow Kiss

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Chapter 2

Over the next few hours I handed out test after test. Most novices did well though none could compare to Rose. Her natural talent, her training with me, and her foresight she was now nearly impossible to take down. If Mase and Alto screwed her tests I'd be mighty pissed off. A freeze was not something she needed on her record, it needed to reflect her true potential, skill, and giftedness. All of my fiancé's grades should be beyond brilliant. I decided to find her before Alto could, and she clearly knew it because she was evading me, I couldn't find her. Turns out she found me, she gave me the opening and we didn't hesitate. She knew how it would go down and, as a result, I was pinned in about two minutes. It had been excellent, far beyond textbook perfect, and I was extremely proud of her. Her record now had at least one grade that reflected just how perfect she could be. She'd had a great start to field experience.

Unfortunately she still ended up in a hearing. She'd frozen even though she knew it was coming. She didn't let those on the panel in on the ghosts; I was seriously tempted to but a glare from her kept my mouth shut as tight as hers. I was gathering it was an appearing insane versus appearing incompetent dilemma. Either would come back to haunt her, but I would pick the same option she had. It gave her community service instead of counselling and removal from the required part of her training. Not that she needed it when she had too much real world experience.

"Bloody Stan!" She seethed when I secretly met with her when she was on far guard duty. "Accused me of being a glory seeker."

'You made the option to look incompetent over insane, my love.' I had to hope she foresaw that message. She did.

"I got that. Now scramble." Her tone was slightly spooky-prophecy so I got out of there.

Over the week it was mostly inaction after a hectic day one. Patience was a virtue, one Rose was learning rather well. I met with her on Sunday and did her community service with her. When walking to the middle school Moroi dorms I got a report from her about another battle she was fighting- the true cost of being bonded. She was taking Lissa's insanity and it was freaking her out. Especially because she was comparing her and Liss' situation to that of Saint Vladimir and Anna. Her visions making her live most events at least twice, and the inability to find a loophole around avoiding me turning Strigoi had her extra on edge and vulnerable. She was strong and resilient but it was all about to come crashing down on her at some point. Suddenly she let out another bloodcurdling scream on our way back to the church.

"Great! It's going up happen. I'm going to go temporarily insane. Lovely! Just what I needed, my fears confirmed."

"Rose, could Liss get put back on the med's?"

"No. She needs to be able to heal after the attack and rescue."

"The attack and rescue mission's permanent isn't it?"

"Yes. Regrettably, it is. I can't stop it, I'm not allowed to. Jesse has to torture Liss and break the wards, I have to go temporarily insane and you have to pull me out of it, and I have to almost die, be saved by Christian(of everyone) and bring him into the heat of battle as a result."

The next week Adrian managed to get Rose, Lissa, Christian and Eddie to Court for Victor's trial. And we had a major issue with Rose and her ghost sighting ability reveal itself. The wards kept out the restless dead and the undead. That meant, that when in the air she had a massive headache and saw black flashes. And it was a nuisance that I couldn't just be her fiancé in that time, her in pain was excruciating to watch without being able to do anything to ease it, or support her through it, even worse was that she hadn't been warned by the Vision. What was even more painful still was that once behind Court wards I wasn't allowed near her.

Dimitri's point of view in A Different Frostbite (A Vampire Academy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now