DPOV- In a Different Shadow Kiss

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Chapter 1

Another week passed and when on dorm security I came across my Roza. Even in a just-out-of-bed-having-acted-without-thinking-of-my-wellbeing state she was beautiful. I loved the woman dearly. She was still shaken by the vision of a Strigoi me.

"Rose? What's with the desire for frostbite?" I asked, slightly humoured by her antics that let her get out without being caught- until I turned up- and extremely worried by her state. She was freezing.

"Lissa. She's, well, let's just say her nightmares no longer pull me in, Christian does." Oh no. She'd been pulled into Lissa's love life.



"Was she just dreaming? Or doing?"

"Doing." My woman shivered in disgust.

"How much did you have to put up with?"

"Almost all. Got out, just barely before the two became one."

"Good god. It's that night again." That caused my woman to outright laugh.

"Yes. All considered. Yes. Only worse. It's Christian for crying out loud! I don't need to know that about him."

"At least you couldn't be his by way of Lissa." My love grinned at that.

"There is absolutely no way that was possible anyway. She's not innocent, hasn't been for years. Despite my reputation and the rumours I lasted longer than her. I was more cautious than her!" She laughed at the irony of the proper Princess having been more experimental than her. Even I had to smile at that. She'd waited for the One, she was the polar opposite of the rumours, and she was mine. My soulmate, my other half, I held her innocence just as she held mine, and she was my fiancé. She was mine and I was hers.

She hadn't had a vi- my thought was cut off as her prophecy expression crossed her face.

"Oh, Come On! Bloody hell. I don't need that."

"Don't need what Rose?"

"Pass me the back door key. I'm out, Alberta's about to round the corner. It's VD-trial, ghost Mase, and Cristian-for-field-experience time." I handed over the key and left her to her devices to live out the vision. Alberta rounded the corner to discuss Victor Dashkov's trial and how the times for testing the novices would need to be adjusted. I followed Alberta to her office and we altered the schedule; I worried about Rose throughout the entire process.

The next day Rose walked into the gym looking as though she hadn't slept. I called to her, "Rose. I need to speak with you." She came up to me and I led her into the storeroom. "Did he show? Did you get any sleep?"

"Yes. No, not really," was her simple answer.

"Please don't explode over your assignment. I know you're exhausted, ju-" her prophecy expression flashed across her face.

"Don't risk a disciplinary hearing? I'll do my best. Him and Alto and guarding C.O are not a good combination."

"Okay. Come on. Let's get outta here." The whole thing had been whispered and coded but we were getting odd looks from the rare few- say one or two- who had paid us any attention. And it was guardians, oh shit, didn't need anyone other than Alberta knowing or suspecting.

After the assignments had been handed out Rose came to approach Alberta, and me.

"Rose." I was in teacher mode before she could utter one word to Alberta. "It's as much about Lissa as you." I could see her visibly bite back the pissed yet teasing 'screw you for knowing what to say!' As it was she came out with "do you have to know how to diffuse me?" in student mode.

"Rose. Accept it and go find him." She, for appearances sake, shot me a haughty and defiant look. I had to resist the urge to either laugh, melt, or smother her in affection. And it was bloody hard when she always looked that much more beautiful when she radiated that self confident and self sufficient power, especially with her life's recent twists-and-turns.

Dimitri's point of view in A Different Frostbite (A Vampire Academy Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now