Child! Chase Brody part 5

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Schneep was sitting in the couch, watching Anti play nerf gun with both Chase and Sammy, while little Lucy played with her doll on the floor, handing Robbie some doll cloths. Schneep lost count on how many times the two boys cornered Anti firing all their nerf pellets at him, laughing and smiling.

Anti groaned reloading his gun. “Yeah keep laughing ya little twerps.” Anti would of seemed angry, if he didn’t have that smile on his face.

The boys started to run, laughing, making Schneep smile, a small chuckle escaping his lips. The kids were always a delight to be around. They didn’t warm up to Schneep at first, which was understandable. He was a doctor and a doctor it sort of scary to a child. But after a while they warmed up to him. The kids were a reminder of a time when Schneep wanted kids, but unfortunately work got in the way. He was kind of sad about every now and then, but Chase’s kids always made him feel better, and with Chase being a kid now, he’s happy to take care of a child.

It wasn’t the first time schneep had to take care of Chase, but it was when he was at his lowest, before Anti moved in and was still terrorizing him. He would always have to take care of Chase when he was drunk, or when he wasn’t motivated to eat or leave his bed for days.

Over that time, he got close with Chase. He was like a son to him. And seeing him as a small child now made Schneep develop a father instinct he never thought he had. It made him smile everytime when the former father now child wanted to play doctor with him.

But his smile wavered as concern started to build up inside him, when he saw Sammy push Chase alittle to hard, causing him to trip. “Sammy be careful. Chase is alot smaller and younger Zhen you are now.”

“Oh, sorry dad.” Sammy said helping him up.

“I’m okay.” Chase smiled, looking up at his son.

They both went back to running and laughing. Schneep shook his head, shocked by how worried he was.

*Fazher instincts indeed.*

He smirked as he leaned back once more, taking a sip of his coffee. Next to him, he heard light snoring, seeing Jackie had fallen asleep and sitting not far from him was Jamie doing some light reading, glancing at the kids playing every once and a while, a smile forming on his mustache face. Schneep was gonna ask what he was reading but he heard a loud thud and the sound of a small child sniffling right after.


Schneep’s head snapped up seeing Chase on the floor holding his knee, tears threatening to leave his eyes.

“Little bro?” Anti was there in a flash, placing a hand on his shoulder. “What happened?”

“All-All I did w-was scwape my knee, its no big deal but.” He tried so hard not to cry.

*Why am I crying? I scraped my knee before.*

Schneep’s father instincts kicked in once more as he quickly stood up, walking up to the small child.

“Don’t vorry Anti I’ll handle zhis one.” Schneep said, picking Chase up, cradling him. “I’ll be back.”


“Just play with Sammy and Lucy, I’ll be back vith Chase in two seconds.”

Anti looked at Chase who was hugging Schneep tightly. He then looked at Schneep, giving him a nod, before turning to Chase’s kids.

With that Schneep left the living room, entering the kitchen, where Marvin was cooking dinner. He watched as Marvin turned and looked at Chase in worry. “What happen?”

Child! Chase Brody Where stories live. Discover now