Child! Chase Brody part 8

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Anti was leaning on an old tree, watching as the kids tossed the green frezzby back and forth to each other, a small smile forming on his face. He watched as Lucy tossed it to Sam, who then tossed it to Chase who had a hard time catching it, but all and all he was still happy which was a relief to Anti, who didn't like seeing his little bro upset.

His eyes then drifted over to the other egos who were setting up a picnic not far from where the kids were playing, all having a good time chatting away. It was also a nice sunny day, and no body was bothering them to Anti's relief. Sure a couple of people recognized who they were, wanting a few pictures or autographs but that was about it. And to top it all off, no body recognized him as Anti. Some even thought he was Jack himself.

*Must be a damn good discise.*

It felt good. Not having to be stared at all the time, striking fear or hate in others.

"Anti catch." Sam shouted, throwing the plastic disc as him.

Anti grinned as he dived for it catching it in mid air and landing with a role. He smiled at the shocked expressions on their faces. "Alright who's next?"

"Oh Oh Anti ovew hewe." Chase yelled, jumping up and down with his arms in the air one hand holding his plush while the other was empty.

Anti chuckled as he stood up aiming it at Chase. "Alright little bro, catch!" He then tossed it over to Chase.

Chase ran backwards trying to catch it when he tripped landing on his back, the frezzby flying away from him.

Concern built with in Anti. "Chase you okay?"

"Yeah don't wowwy." Chase smiled as he sat up. "I'll go get it." He then went in the detection of the frezzby.

"Don't go to far sohn." Schneep called out, who was making the sandwiches, watching to hole thing.

"I won't dad!"

Chase ran in search of the frezzby, passing through other people. He looked for only a minute or two when he spot it. He smiled as he went over to the frezzby, about to grab it when another hand snatched it from the ground. Chase's smile wavered as he looked up to see a couple of boys, staring down at him holding his frezzby. The boys looked about 8 or 9 but they sure did tower over him. He couldn't help but feel alittle bit intimidated by them.

"What are you looking at twerp?" The one who was holding the frezzby snapped.

Chase flinched, holding his Sam plush for comfort. His head was low, but he continued to stare up at them. "Th-thats my f-fwezzby."

"Oh this is your fwezzby?" The boy teased before laughing harshly. "Well not any more."

They went to leave but Chase felt his anger rise. "HEY THATS NOT YOUWS. GIVE IT BACK!" he watched as the boys stopped and stared at him in anger. He shrank back as they cornered him keeping him from leaving. What ever bravery was left in chase was long gone now.

"And what's a little twerp like you gonna do huh." He teased pushing Chase. "Why don't you pick a fight with some one who your age."

"I-I'm alot oldew than you kid. I-I'm an adult." Chase snapped.

The boys start to laugh, staring down at him like he was crazy. Chase hugged his plush tighter, feeling his heart drop in his chest.

"Please. If you were then why are you still playing with baby toys." The boy laughed snatching his plush away from Chase.

"He-HEY GIVE IT BACK!" Chase tried to reach it but the boy put it over his head, laughing at his struggle. "Please."

"What are you gonna do. Make us?" One boy said pushing him down.

Child! Chase Brody Where stories live. Discover now