Child! Chase broady: ending

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"Chase sohn, Jack is here to pick you and Anti up!" Schneep called out from the other side of Chase's door.

"Okay dad, I'll get Anti!" Chase yelled back putting on his hat before pausing to look at his little septic eye plush that he had Marvin turn into a key chain so he could always have it. He smiled as he hooked it to the loop of his pants, before heading to Anti's room.


Anti was treating his neck looking into the mirror when his eyes trailed off to all of the paloride camera pictures that Jamie took of Anti and and child Chase. A smile forming on his face upon seeing his favorite one which was the one where Chase was sitting on Anti's shoulders, with a big smile on his face. But his thoughts were interrupted from a knock on the door.

He looked over to see Chase open the door. "Hey big brother. Jack is here, you better come before dad has your head."

"Coming little bro. Lead the way." Anti smiled walking up to him, wrapping an arm around Chase, ruffling his head, causing Chase to chuckle.

When they walked out they saw that Jack and Jamie were having a conversation on what happened to Chase, a big smile on their faces.

"And the way he said his Rs was the cutest." Jamie signed happily. 

"I wish I was there." Jack chuckled noticing them walk in. "Hey you two ready?"

"Yeah let's go-... oh shit." Anti sighed bonking himself on the head.

"HEY LANGUAGE!" Schneep snapped batting Anti's head with his news paper.

"Sorry dad." He whispered rubbing his head before turning his head to jack and Chase. "Forgot my gauges. Can't do a video with out them. I'll be two seconds." With that He glitched out of the room.

The others just smiled and shrugged.

"Yeah he shouldn't be to long-."

Suddenly the front door was yanked open by Marvin who slambed them shut behind him. He pressed his back against it, breathing heavily, a look if terror on his face as he starred ahead.

"Marvin?" Chase asked walking up to him. "What's wrong-.?"

"You-you got to hide me!" Marvin began, grabbing Chase by his shirt, pulling him close. "They're after me, oh god I'm so dead."

"Who's after-?"

Suddenly the door bell rang, causing Marvin to scream. He turned to the door in terror before turning back to the others. "I'M NOT HERE!" 

With that he disappeared into a cloud of smoke, leaving everyone confused. The door bell rang a second time, but afterward there was a loud banging.

Chase and Jack looked at each other before going to the door, not wanting to make who was ever on the other side wait any longer.

When they opened the door they were shocked to see Darkiplier standing there, anger clear on his face and Wilford right behind him, giving them all a warm smile.

"Dark? Wilford?" Chase asked confused.

"Why hello Chase good to see you old friend." Wilford said with a smile.

"Shut up Wil!" Dark darkly snapped, holding up a finger, causing Wilford to stare at the ground. He slowly put his hand down staring back and forth from Jack and Chase. "WHERE is that pathetic excuse of a magician!?"

"Marvin?... why-why do you need him?" Chase asked,  feeling Jamie put a protective hand on his shoulder.

"So that he could explain why THIS HAPPENED!" he snapped pointing down.

Chase, Jack, Jamie and Schneep looked down to see a young boy clinging on to Dark's pant leg, starring up at them shyly hiding behind Dark for the most part. They all starred down at him in shock, realizing who the boy is, Jack being the first to speak.

"... Mark?"

Child! Chase Brody Where stories live. Discover now