Child!Chase Brody part 1

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Marvin scanned through his new spell book, eager to try out and learn new spells. He had tried a couple already using an apple as a test subject. One spell made the apple change into different colors, another made it grow twice its size, then shrank it back down. One made the apple float, another turned it into a pare then back to an apple.

He flipped through the pages when he spotted a spell that was written in another language. This was one of the last pages of the book which meant it was probably a big league spell. Marvin shrugged as he read the spell carefully to his self before turning to the apple. He waved his wand which started to glow green along with his eyes as he was chanting the spell, looking straight at the apple. He was about to cast the spell when suddenly a nerf ball came out of nowhere and knocked the apple off its stand.

“OOOOOHHHHH OOOOOHHH! MARVIN DID YOU SEE THAT!” Chase suddenly ran in the room, holding a nerf gun, jumping in the air like he won the lottery.

“GAH!” Marvin jumped as he aimed the wand at Chase out of impulse, letting the spell fly from his wand, hitting Chase directly in the chest.

The spell zapped throughout Chase’s body, before ending in a puff of green smoke, blocking Marvin's field of vision.

Marvin starting to cough as he tried to fan the smoke away. He started to worry but relaxed when he heard Chase coughing. Then anger starting to rise within him. “GOD DAMN IT CHASE!” He snapped, stomping his foot on the ground. “WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!? I COULD have KILLED YOU! GOD, SOMETIMES YOU ACT LIKE A DAMN CHILD!”

“U-um Mawvin.”

Marvin froze hearing a tiny voice, instead of Chase’s usual loud voice. He walked toward the voice but came to a halt when a small child came into view. But he was stunned to see that this child was none other than Chase Brody himself.

The small child stared at himself in fear, his signature hat sliding down into his face as he looked down. He lifted it with his hands as he looked up at Marvin in fear.

“What did you do to me?” The child shyly and calmly asked, but Marvin could tell he was close to freaking out.

“I-I was trying out a new spell. It was supposed to hit the apple but it hit you instead.” Marvin turned from Chase and looked at his book. “So once it hit you it made you like what 6 or 7?” He looked back at Chase who was looking down at himself still. His clothes other than his hat changed to fit his size which was a relief.

“A spell did this?” He whispered curiously staring up at Marvin.

“Yes, Chase. And this would have been avoided if you hadn’t of ran in here yelling like crazy.” Marvin stated shaking his head in frustration, but he stopped venting when he heard sniffling.

He looked down to see Chase, hugging his nerf gun on the brink of tears. “I’m so-sowy Mawvin. Please d-don't be mad at me.” He whimpered squinting his eyes shut.

Guilt started to rise within Marvin as he stared at the former grown-up who was nothing but a six-year-old child. The poor thing must be terrified and confused. “He-Hey hey Chase, it’s-its okay. I’m not mad I promise. p-please, don’t cry.” Marvin said softly, gently putting his hands on Chase’s shoulder.

Chase only squint his eyes hugging his nerf gun tighter, tears still coming down from his eyes. “I’m scawed.” He whispered, shaking like a leaf.

Marvin looked down. He had to think of something and fast.

Come on think, think!… oh, I got it.

Marvin smiled as he pats Chase’s shoulder. “Hey Chase, do ya like magic tricks.”

Child! Chase Brody Where stories live. Discover now