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"Will you marry me"

"Yes! Yes! I will marry you!"

Carrying my petite body, swinging me around

He is now officially mine ♡

End of flashback•

Smiling cheekily, remembering those times

But turns into frown, asking myself the same question over and over again, which no one can answer, not even me.

"Where is the man I endlessly love went?"

Oh Min Yoongi, you are such a dangerous man...


He's here

Asking how his day went, and if he ate dinner

As always, he completely ignores me...

"Sorry jagi, I'll be late today, I have a meeting to attend and an album to finish, don't wait for me,make sure to sleep early....Love you♡"

"Hi jagi, I'll not be eating dinner with you, going out with the members today"

"Just don't wait for me, I'm going to be busy as usual"

Sighing loudly, he changed so much. He usually explains why he will not eat dinner or why he comes home late, to making up excuses and now completely not knowing my exsistence

Supportive as always, trying to understand that his dream of being a producer meant so much to him, that it makes him happy


Is he not happy having me?

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