Chapter 4 : Surprise

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Three days after, Yugi was back to normal and is now on the palace library reading some books. Amelda was still resting for abit while the others was on a meeting.

Yugi was wearing an plain white colored yukata that reaches up to her ankle with pink sakura flower designs accompanied with gold obi (sash) and silver obiage (scarf that is use as the pillow of the kimono and the ends is tied into a ribbon at the back) that hugs her waist tied with a black obijime (japanese kimono belt) with a sakura obidome (kimono brooch) and some tabi (japanese split toe socks) and zori (traditional japanese straw sandals that looks like flipflops), her crown was resting on her forehead while the middle part is hidden under her bangs as her long sea green hair is tied in a low ponytail and is binded by a purple ribbon that is resting on her nape.

Yugi was done reading and decides to take a walk around the palace without noticing how the servants, guards and even the harem admires her as she pass by.

Amelda who happened to just woke up and was about to head to the kitchen notice how they look at Yugi and how they admire her aside from being kind.

He then saw one of the servant's kid running without looking while being chased by his friends and collides with Yugi making Yugi and him fell on their butt.

They all gasps quietly and knew that the kid just screwed up and as what they have notice before, the royalties punishes the servants who hurt them even if it was sometimes their fault.

They feel sorry for the kid who was now trembling and crying while looking at the ground while his friends tremble and feels scared for their friend who is waiting for Yugi to punish him but instead, Yugi kneeled infront of him and cupped his cheeks.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? Why are you crying? " Yugi said as she carefully check if the kid has some bruises.

"I-im sorry princess, I-i didn't mean to bump into you.." the kid said as he cried.

"shhh... don't's alright, I accept your apology, I'm not mad, please look at me." Yugi said as she smile at the kid.

She took her handkerchief hidden at her obi and use it to wipe the kid's tears and his snort.

"really? Y-you're not mad? I-I'm okay Princess. " the kid said as he sniff and look at the Princess and saw her kind smile as he blush while Yugi wipes his tears and snort.

"What is your name and how old are you? " Yugi asked as she help the kid stand up.

"M-my name is Leon... I am seven years old. " the kid with burgundy hair answered.

"Nice to meet you Leon, I am Yugi, I came from Japan, it's good to know you're fine just becareful next time, okay? " Yugi said as she finger comb his hair making the others who saw the scene blush and touched at Yugi's kindness while Amelda just smiles.

"Yes Princess Yugi, may I return now to my friends? " Leon asks earing a smile and nod from Yugi before she wave goodbye at them who was now talking with each other at how beautiful and kind Princess Yugi really is even if no one is looking.

Amelda then decides to break the ice and called Yugi making her turn her gaze towards him as the servants and guards resume their work.

The story of how Yugi helped a servant kid and show him kindness spreads inside the palace and it even reach the Council and High Priests and the Royalties.

"Wow.... I just witness how kind Princess Yugi is, Leon is lucky to be touched by her and even wipe his tears and snort by the Princess' sweet smelling handkerchief... and the bonus part is that Princess Yugi even smile at him and help him stand up... sighs... she's really something.. " Ootogi absent mindedly mumbles abit loud about what he had witness after he returned to his spot that is enough for the Princes, Council, High Priests, Shimon, Pharaoh Aknankannon and Queen Helwa to hear.

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