Chapter 6 : Welcome to Japan

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It was already July and soon it was Princess Yugi's birthday. The Pharaoh received Emperor Timaeus' invitation and decides that he will discuss it to all of them except Abidos whose currently in France due to official business.

It has been decided that Shimon, Atem, Yami, Seth, Joey, Bakura, Ryou, Marik and Malik were the only ones who can go to Japan since Pharaoh Aknankannon and Queen Helwa has to stay in Egypt. Mana was pouting at how she couldn't come because she needs to training to do.

Shimon already gave them an heads up that it will be warm so they don't need to change outfit.

They were now just a few minutes away and they were all gasping at how beautiful the cherry blossoms are in person and how beautiful Japan really was just like what Shimon, Mahad, Malik and Yugi have told them.

They arrived at the dock and was greeted by Amelda and a royal carriage to bring them back to the castle.

Yugi is currently resting at her room due to her high fever without knowing her friends and suitors minus Abidos has arrived in the castle.

Amelda first introduce them to Emperor Timaeus and Queen Heba and they were all in awe at how beautiful the royal couple are also at how scary Emperor Timaeus is in person.

Amelda then bring them to Yugi's room after getting permission from Queen Heba as Shimon was left with them to catch up with his son and daughter-in-law.

Amelda stops infront of a beautiful white door with cherry blossom designs and knocks gently and calls from the other side if its okay to enter, he hears a soft 'come in' then enters.

The view inside of the room breaks their heart as they see Yugi was laying there with a wet towel on her forehead while she's sweating as they sit on the chairs beside her bed.

"Yugi, Amelda-niichan is back, your friends are here" Amelda said as he stroke Yugi's hair gently making Yugi flutter her eyes open then helps her by putting another pillow behind her head so she can see them better.

"hmm? o-oh, you guys are here....sorry if you guys have to see me in this state... " Yugi said as she smile weakly.

"no my cute sister, we understand, how are you feeling? " Malik said as he gently stroke her hair.

"much better than before, how bout you all? " Yugi ask as she look at them.

"We're fine Yugi, don't worry about us, you should rest more" Atem said as he smile at Yugi while unconsciously holding her other hand making the other snicker while Yami frowns and decides to butt in.

"Why don't we leave her first so she can rest then comeback later? " Yami suggested and quickly kisses Yugi's forehead then leaves before the others followed him as Ryou and Bakura decides to stay behind to look after them since Ryou has some knowledge about medicines while Bakura makes sure there will be a guard inside just incase an invader comes in atleast there will be someone to protect them.

The others went to their own rooms as the Crown Prince and Prince shared a room.

It was awkward for the both of them but knowing each other, they need to settle this in a calm manner and Atem being the eldest asked Yami if they could talk and Yami agrees then sit down on the bed across Atem's bed.

"Brother, what is it that you wanna talk about? " Yami asked as he cross his legs.

"Yami... I know that we both like.... no... we both love Princess Yugi and I don't want our bonds to break because of this..." Atem said as he sat on his own bed.

"What are you proposing big brother?" Yami ask, feeling the same way as Atem..

"I want us to have a friendly, fair and square rivalry to Princess Yugi's love and affection without damaging our bonds as brothers." Atem said as he look at his brother and watch as Yami stand up and offers a hand to Atem for him to shake making Atem stand up and shake Yami's hand as they both smile at each other to seal the deal.

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