Chapter 7 : Princess Yugi's birthday

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Since this morning, everyone was busy preparing for Yugi's birthday and nobody has seen the Princess left her room.

It was almost night time, Crown Prince Atem and the others were already dressed up and was bored. They did look around the views, play games and even take a dip on the hotspring but still its obvious how much they already miss Yugi who they haven't seen since morning.

They are now sitting inside the library when Amelda comes in and tell them that the party will start.

Slowly, everyone starts to fill in the banquet. The tables have ikebana (flower arrangement) as decorations while the white cushions were perfectly place on the chair so the guests can relax. The curtains were change into transluscent ones so the guests could enjoy the nightview and the cherry blossoms outside.

There is a special chair in the middle below the throne chairs that looks like a white rose where the birthday celebrant will seat.

The guards were already at their stations as Emperor Timaeus and Queen Heba enters wearing their traditional Japanese kimonos. Emperor Timaeus' sea green kimono is made from a fine silk with a dragon design as for his inner kimono was a simple white one.

Empress Heba is wearing a beautiful baby blue and white kimono gown with cherry blossom design at the skirt.

Crown Prince Critias is wearing a blue kimono with sea waves design.

"Good evening everyone, thank you for coming at my daughter's birthday party and ceremony of coming of age, I am grateful to all of you that you all spare some time to celebrate with us, and now without further a do, please welcome the birthday celebrant, Princess Yugi. " Emperor Timaeus said as the large doors open as Princess Yugi enters making everyone gasps.

Yugi was wearing a white long dress with a v-cut in the middle of her skirt from above the knees with some purple frills on the hem of her gown. The top of the gown was a sleeveless heartshape with some star shape amethyst stones.

A beautiful white pair of heels with amethyst cherry blossom shape stone on the middle.

At her neck, is a beautiful pearl chocker while her sea green hair was flowing behind her back with a pearl hair clip paired with her pearl earrings.

Her eyes has some kohl on it while her pink lips stays natural like the pink cherry blossoms kiss her.

She was absolutely stunning, like the Sea Goddess just came out of the sea to grace them with her holiness.

"W-wow... " was all that everyone could muster even the Emperor Timaeus, Empress Heba, Royal Adviser Shimon, Crown Prince Critias, Knight Generals Amelda, Raphael and Valon were also gaping at her.

Yugi blushes as all eyes were on her until Crown Prince Atem and Prince Yami decides to break their stun trances by kneeling infront of Yugi before offerring their arms for Yugi to hold on to.

It is a tradition that if a Prince/ Princess got suitor/suitors that has the blessing of the King or Emperor, the official suitor/suitors must escort the Prince/Princess in every occassions.

The other Prince, Princess, Dukes, Dutchess, Kings and Queens are jealous of the three beautiful people in the middle of the banquet but one look from Emperor Timaeus can make them whimper and just sit down.

"Let the celebration begin!" Emperor Timaeus declairs as they begin the celebration while Atem and Yami joins Yugi on the middle.

Everyone can't take their eyes off the Princes of Egypt and the Princess of Japan. They're just a sight to behold. Princess Yugi is so beautiful while the Egyptian Princes are both
very handsome despite of the slight difference in their skin colors.

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