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It was interesting, Harry and Ashton's brotherly relationship. Both the boys are very close, unlike most siblings. The only thing is that they do fight a lot. However, it's over the dumbest things. Like, how Ashton is always trying to copy Harry's style because Harry's his big brother.

Ashton always admired his big brother. Harry was like his hero and he would always try to hang out with him as much as possible. Of course, they have a sister as well and Gemma is definitely one of the most annoying yet sweet people in the world. Their sibling love is the cutest and they love to spread it out.

The thing is, Gemma is the older, being twenty-three. She's living with her friends in London and they haven't heard from her much aside from a few texts here and there. She likes to be on her own and despite her being the oldest, she's also the smallest.

Because, then there's Harry. He's twenty-one, being the second oldest and he's definitely a dork. Everyone who knows Harry knows to be ware of his clumsy pigeon-toes. He acts more like a baby who likes to be cared for, so no one understands how he's not the youngest.

And, that's when people meet Ashton, who's nineteen and the baby of the family. He's the most responsible and level-headed person in the Styles' family. Right after their mum and step-dad, of course. He's been the one to lead the family, but of course he has moments where he can goof off or need a helping hand.

The Styles family is one full of problems, however, because when they fight, it's terrible. Sort of like how people think Ashton is adopted, due to his Australian accent. The Styles family moved to Australia when Ashton was one because their father, Des, had a promotion and they didn't want to be separated.

Because of this, Ashton was raised in Australia and so he has an accent and no one seems to understand that. They always would tease Ashton for being so different. Harry was already two, so he knew how to talk a bit and didn't gain an accent. If anything, he was a very obvious posh accent and their family was weird.

Despite Harry being two years older, Ashton and him got along a lot more than Gemma. Because, she moved out when Ashton was fourteen and they never had time to bond. But, Harry and him always had this connection and loved to goof off and get into a bunch of trouble.

So, when Harry said he was tired of having a dorm with a douche (okay, Zayn isn't a douche, but he's just a little different than Harry), Ashton had an idea. They always hang out together anyways, so they figured why not live together? It all made sense to them.

That's why they both live in an amazing apartment with two kittens. It sucked, because Ashton is allergic and he was really angry at first. However, Harry was just laughing at his coughing and Ashton got some medicine to help with the allergies. He wanted to kick the kittens out, but Harry pouted and no one can resist the cute pout.

Sadly, they did find out that cats were against the rules and they were forced to kick the kittens out in the end. Harry was upset, but Ashton comforted him and they had a nice guys night out at a gay bar because Harry's gay. And, they just do a lot together. They're like best friends.

Not only do they live together and go to school together, though. They also happen to work together. They own a café that their dad bought for them. Des and Anne had divorced when the boys were little and it was heartbreaking. Des hasn't spoken to them in years and so, he thought he'd make it up by getting them their own café.

It's called 'Styles Fedora'.

It's dumb and Ashton hated it, but Harry had already got a man to work on the sign. So, they were stuck with it. He felt like Harry was trying to make a statement that he came up with the fedora trend first, considering Ashton happened to like fedoras as well and they just fought a lot over it.

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