Chapter 7

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You know what's awkward? Well, Luke is very awkward and he will admit to this. But what's more awkward than that? A nineteen year old boy who is already awkward going on a date with a thirty year old man he has no interest in just cause his friend made him.

Luke hasn't been on a date in probably a year, so he didn't even know what to do or say. It was a dinner date, so that made it worse and he felt like his life was basically hell considering the guy wasn't even cute. Not that looks are all that mattered, but to a certain extent they do matter, right?

And it's not like Luke hates the guy, what's his name? Jeff? He doesn't even know. That's it. He doesn't know the guy and that's why he doesn't want to go out with him. But, Louis always does this -- gets Luke into situations he's uncomfortable with. Luke loves Louis, but sometimes he just gets to be too much and he hates it.

Why does Luke always need to do what Louis says? Why can't he just stop and stand up for himself? Sometimes Louis is intimidating. He may be like, seven inches shorter than Luke. But, he's a lot stronger and able to stand up for himself more than Luke ever will.

Luke is confident and definitely strong as well. He's also very cocky. But, it's Louis. That boy is like his weakness. Louis is like his big brother and he always protects Luke. However, he also happens to scare him a lot and make him do things he's not ready for, such as joke around and do these dumb pranks.

The blonde didn't want to pull that prank of Ashton. He did, but not if someone would get hurt and he didn't see the cat prank as funny. However, Louis is in charge here and of course, he just had to say 'nooo it'll be fine' and was it? No. Will Luke ever learn? Probably not.

Because, it's Louis. The boy who's always acting like he is the best person ever and making sure Luke isn't in trouble. Surely they both get in trouble, but if Luke ever got into trouble alone, Louis will be there to pick up the pieces. That's why Luke is fine with being controlled and manipulated like that.

Sadly, Luke was a bit of an idiot and he doesn't really see the control Louis has over him. It's not that he's blind or dumb -- well, he's dumb -- but it's more like he's under a spell Louis put him on. Louis has an amazing way of making sure Luke's going to do whatever he wants him to do.

Like going on a dumb date with a middle-aged gross man. Which so far, wasn't going very well. At first, the guy was just kind of staring at Luke in the car (which smelled like pizza and death). And that was fine. Luke didn't mind being stared at. Even if it was sort of creepy.

But, then at the dinner, Luke awkwardly sat there and it was so tense. The guy was gross and weird and didn't even bother shaving. His facial hair wasn't cute, not like Luke's. And that's the issue here. Luke may be nineteen and a bit of a dork, but even he shaves and tried looking decently nice for the date he didn't want to be on.

The guy, what the fuck is his name, ordered for them. Luke doesn't like carrots, but the man got him soup which had carrots. Who gets soup on a date? Luke mentally pouted and wasn't having fun at all. He took a sip of his lemonade (great, soup and lemonade?) and awkwardly looked down.

A silence was between the two and Luke timidly smiled when the guy grinned at him. He tapped his fingers and looked around, trying to figure out what to look at so it's not the piece of food in the guy's teeth. It was so gross. However, he tried not to care too much considering that would be mean.

Much to his dismay, the guy suddenly reached over and grabbed his hand. Luke held back a grimace as he looked at the stubby hands that were all clammy and gross. He wanted to throw up. This isn't okay. Why is he here? He really wanted to smack Louis in the face for this.

The guy said in a gruff voice,"Ya know, you have a pretty smile."

"Um, thanks. My mum always said I was a pretty boy," Luke grinned, blushing only cause he hates compliments and they always made him feel all tingly no matter who said them.

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