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"Is this a thing they normally do?" Evangeline whispered to Helen.

"I guess so" Helen shrugged

"Come on Fred, we're going to get caught" George panted, leaning against the door of the hospital wing

"Who said we're going to get caught? They definitely didn't" Fred whispered, pointing his finger at the girls

"All have you know, we aren't here because we decided to take a midnight stroll" Helen huffed "We're serving detention"

George clapped his hand to his mouth "Serving detention, that is completely unheard of!" He said sarcastically

"George, they are serving detention, you mustn't speak like that to them!" Fred said in the most annoying voice he could muster

"Alright, alright we get it" Evangeline snapped "Helen, we're finished, let's go"

"Oh dear detention servers, don't leave us"
Fred said flatly

Helen was about to retort until she heard a dry, croaky voice.

"Having a group meeting here are we?" Filch said with glee "Oh.. let us have another tomorrow night"

"But-but we just finished our detention!" Said Helen, pointing to Fred an George "They were the ones running around"

"Very well" Said filch "now get out of my sight before you join your red-headed friends"

They didn't need to be told twice before they bolted out the door.

"You know, Fred" George muttered "We can't let them get away with running away like that"

A smirk appeared on Fred's lips

"Right you are George" He replied

"You will be cleaning all the staircases of Hogwarts tonight" Filch said, flashing them a crooked, toothless grin "No magic"

"All the staircases?!" George shouted "There are over a thousand, it'll take us ages!"

Filch pondered for a moment

"Fine, you'll be doing 40"

Fred and George glanced at each other

"What are you waiting for, get a move on!" Filch shouted

"I will not let them get away with this" Fred muttered silently

Oh, how right he was.

Glass|George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now