Revelations Pt 1

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

I wake up from my slumber only to be hit by a bolt of pain.

(Y/N):"(moan) What the hell happened?"

Violet:"YAY (Y/N) AWAKE."

Before i knew it Violet had jumped on top of me.

(Y/N):"Hey their Violet. Say where am i."

Jack:"We're in our dorm."

Sindra:"As for what happened you tripped on a root from one of the trees while you were being chased by Ms. Goodwitch and was sent flying towards a wall."

Violet:"Ms.Goodwitch then picked you up and sent you to the infirmary to get patched up.  After that she told us and we decided to bring you here .Isn't she nice."

(Y/N):*God dam it does she have to say it with that ear to ear grin of hers*"Is that all"

She nodes and starts laying on me clinging like her life depended on it.

(Y/N):"Hey Violet can you get off of me."


(Y/N):"Jack can you get your sister off of me."

Jack:"I can't once she clings on to something she doesn't let go until she's satisfied."

(Y/N):"Great, well at least i can get some rest before Glynda finds out im awake."

Glynda:"Don't think your getting off that easy."

(Y/N):"Speak of the devil."

Glynda:"(Y/n) starting tomorrow i expect you to come and see me everyday after school for the next month for a lesson on discipline."

(Y/N):"A whole month. Don't you think thats a bit extreme."

Glynda:"Extreme you say lets see then: you injured a student by sending him flying across the cafeteria, You jumped through a window shattering it in the process, and ran away when an authority figure tried to stop you causing me to chase after you like in one of those cartoons. Now do you have any questions."

(Y/N):"Just one. Whats a cartoon."

Glynda:"Really after all that, thats your only question.*sigh* Ill see you tomorrow after school."

With that she leaves the dorm leaving me with a curious team.

(Y/N):"Ok what is it."

Violet:"You've never heard of cartoons."

(Y/N):"No i lived in place were we didn't have cartoons."

Violate:'T-thats just sad o you must had such a bad childhood."

I watch as Violate starts crying because of this so called important subject to her

Sindra:"Why do you call Ms.Goodwitch by her first name?

(Y/N):"We had a friendly match and i ended up winning."

Sindra:"You beat Ms.Goodwitch in a fight."


Jack:"Your bluffing.

(Y/N):"Nope i actually beat her."


Sindra:'Well im going to go to bed."

Jack:"Same here."

(Y/N):"H- hey guys little help."

Sindra:"Hm oh let me help you."

Jack:"I wouldn't do that if i were you."


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