The Coming Nightmare

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3rd P.O.V.

After the end of the party all teams went back to their dorms. (Y/N) and his team, now back at their dorm, prepared for bed and said their goodnights.

As they drifted off to sleep each member was filled of excitement for the Vital festival and kept replaying the events that had occured over and over until they finally fell asleep. Every single one slept peacefully …….. except one.

(Y/N) P.O.V.

(Y/N):” Wh-where am I?”

All around me was nothing but pitch black. I couldn't see, hear, or feel anything. Just emptiness.

(Y/N):* Ok ok don't panic, don't panic. You've been in similar places before, nothing to worry about.*

????:”Hmm what's this a hunter who's afraid of a little darkness.”

(Y/N):” Oh it's you aga- Wait your not him.”

Out of the darkness a moon rose, giving light to the surrounding area. And from the moon appeared a creature, a creature that belong to a race that I thought was all but a legend.

(Y/N):” Hey wait, wait just a fucking minute.. WHAT THE HELL IS A GREAT ONE DOING IN REMNANT.”

I had read books about the great ones before but had never truly seen one. Not to mention the one in front of me was thought to have been slain many years ago.

(Y/N):” That's impossible your dead, were killed by the hunter long ago.”

(M.P):” You are right, I should be dead but I am not.”

In the blink of an eye, before I could notice, the M.P. had grabbed a hold of me. Our eyes inches apart i could clearly see the darkness in its eyes. I couldn't help but tremble. I had heard the stories of how powerful he was. How he was able to form other planes of existence and of how the hunter's dream came to be.

(M.P): “ Interesting, I had never known of a hunter who trembled at the sight of a monster. Are you truly a hunter?”

I struggled to break free but to no avail, his grip was to damn strong.

(Y/N): What the hell are you doing here? What do you want?”

M.P.: “ What i'm doing here is a mystery even to me. Because of this dilemma there is something I require. No something I need.”

Then in an instant, faster than even I can track. The beast had pierced my heart with its tendrils.

M.p.: “YOU”

As the pain swept through my whole body, I could feel my body being absorbed by the tendrils. Not only could I feel it I could see as my blood  being pumped out and absorbed by the great one. With every second I became weaker and weaker soon enough i'll lose consciousness.

(YN): “ W….Why are…... you…. doing this?”

M.P: “Why? Well, lets just say that some event have been put in to motion. Events that will surely lead to your death.  But I can't let that happen now that i'm resurrected. So i'm going to steal your body.”

(Y/N): “ Your going to what?  I'm not going to le-.”

As I tried to protest the bastard pierced my throat.

M.P: “ Now now be quiet as i finish up. You have no Idea of how much I despise that voice of yours. Especially that silver eyed girl.”

(Y/N): *Fuck, I can't stay awake. My eyes are so heavy. So this is it huh, dammit just when everything was starting to go back to normal. Dammit. Im sorry…...Ruby.

3rd P.O.V

As the hunter lost consciousness and was being robbed of what little strength he had. An object impacted against the M.P.. The hunter was flung up in the air, only to be caught by another thendral, a grey tendral to be exact.

M.P: “ Well this is a surprise. I didn't expect you of all people to be here. Ebrietas.”

The great Kin Ebrietas stood tall as she could. Behind her two gray werewolfs followed by multiple black ones. As they approached they  surrounded the great Kin in a defensive position.

M.P: “ Cute dogs. Am I supposed to be afraid of them.”

Ebrietas: “No, they’re meant to distract you.”

M.P: “ Distra-”

Before the great one could finish he was struct across his face and sent flying. As he regain his composure he glanced at the culprit.

M.P:” I thought I chained you up.”

The familiar blood covered creature appeared once more but with anger in his eyes as he retracted his left arm.

Blood Beast: “ You know it wasn't nice of you to chain me up.”

M.P: “ I'm truly sorry about that. I should have just ripped of your limbs and let you bleed.”

Blood Beast: “Leave before I snap that spine of your in two.”

M.P: “ My how aggressive you are. Fine I'm smart enough to know where i'm not wanted. But remember, one day i will be set free and have my fun in the waking world.”

The great one then retreated knowing that it was to weak in its current state. Once gone the Blood beast turned to the Kin as it gently placed down the hunter. Once down the werewolf pack surrounded the hunters body wineing at there unconscious master.

Blood Beast: “This complicates things.”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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