A Walk Around Vale Pt 2

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Blake:"(Y/N) are you in position."

(Y/N):"Yep. Ready to move in on your order"

At the moment you were on top of a warehouse looking down at the White Fang meeting. You scanned the area and noticed little to no centurys.

(Y/N):"Not to many guards for a meeting."

Blake:"Alright we're going in wish us luck."

You wished them luck and started to move in. First you teleport to the side of the building using your left arm. Once on the ground you find cover behind a create with the Schnee emblom.

(Y/N):*They must be from the docs. Something ain't right here.*

You continued your search but only able to find crates filled with dust. Unable to find anything relating to the healing church you decide to teleport to the roof and check on Sun and Blake.

(Y/N):" I wonder if those two are alri- OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL IS THAT."

Out of nowhere an Atlas Paladin burst out the side of the warehouse. As you starred at the construct you saw that it was actually making chase and it was after Blake and Sun. You instantly started to run from rooftop to rooftop and finally teleporting on top of the paladin.

Blake:"Everyone if you can here me we need."

Sun:"HEEEELLLPPP! They got a robot, and its big, really big!"

Ruby:"Oh, I am not missing this!"

Sun:"The Torchwick guy's in it! But not like, it didn't eat him he's like, controlling it or something!"

Yang:"Where are you guys."

Sun and Blake then run past Yang, Jack and Neptune.

Neptune:"I think that was them."

Jack:"Was (Y/n) riding that thing."

Yang:"Come on we have to follow them."

(Y/N) P.O.V.

(Y/N):*I wonder how i get out of this*

I said as i stood on top of the paladin trying to figure out a way to stop it while both Blake and Sun run for there life. Soon Yang, Jack and Neptune joined in on the chase. Jack was on his own bike while Neptune road with Yang.

Jack:"(Y/N) what the hell are you doing up there?"

(Y/N):"Oh you know enjoying the sight as my friends get brutally murdered."

Jack:'This is no time for games, we have to- (Y/N) LOOK OUT."

I look forward only to be met by a flying car.

(Y/N):"Huh ain't karma a bi-."


And just like that I was sent flying off the bridge shattering my spine in the process.

(Y/N):"Fuck, that hurt thank god that im able to heal."

I slowly stood up trying not to disturb much of the healing.

(Y/N):"Now how am I suppose to fight that thing without this repeating. O I know."

I bend down and went on all four and did the same as I did during my match against team CRDL. I felt as my blood swallowed me and hardening forming my armor.

????:" So you need of my assistance once more."

(Y/N):"Who said that?"

????:"Don't tell me you already forgot about me."

(Y/N):"That voice your."

????:"Thats right now listen up if you want to help your friends, your going to need some backup."

(Y/N):"What kind of backup?"

Then two puddles of blood appear next to me and out of the blood came out two werewolf's. Not red like the one from the dock but silver symbolizing their old age and experience.

????:"I give you the power to control them and their pack. May they serve you well."

The two alpha werewolf's then bow their heads towards me. No thought they were greeting me as their new leader.

(Y/N):"Well this should be interesting. Team RWBY stay safe Im on my way."

Time skip

I arrived to the scene of the battle and see Yang completely destroy the paladin leaving only that ginger fellow on the ground.

(Y/N):"Dam they didn't even need my help. I wonder where my team went?"

I was lost in thought because just as i snapped back the ginger was now with a small girl with half of her hair pink and the other brown fly away in a bullhead. Without hesitation I rush towards them and leap of the bridge.

Ruby:"Hey look isn't that (Y/N)"

Torchwick:"Its you again huh pup.".

The ginger then aims his cane at me and fires sending me down towards team RWBY.

Ruby:"(Y/N) are you alright."

(Y/N):"Yeah my armor protected me."

Torchwick:"Hey pup I would like you to meet some friends of mine."

As soon as the Torchwik guy finished to healing church hunters appeared out of nowhere.

Hunter1:"Well if it isn't 001, How have you been you freak of nature."

Hunter 2:" It looks like he made some friends."

Hunter 1:"Some hot friends,ooh I would like to go a couple of rounds with the blond one."

Hunter 2:" Ha you can have her i prefer the one in red."

Yang:"What di-."

3rd P.O.V.

You raise your hand to silence Yang. All of team RWBY look at you and see your blood red eyes filled with anger.

(Y/N):"Before you do why don't you say hi to my two new friends."

You snap your fingers together followed by two howls. Everybody looks up at the bridge and see the two silver werewolf's howling. They then leap of the bridge and on to the two hunters, devouring them ferociously.

Ruby:"Oh my god they're just like the one from he docs."

(Y/N):"Yeah except im able to control them now."

You whistle signaling the two alphas to stop and then they disappear the same way they were summoned.

Yang:'What the hell just happened."

(Y/N):"Lets just say I got a new power."

Blake:"Guys where's Weiss."

You then hear the sound of somebody throwing up. All of you turn towards the source of the voice and see Weiss puking her lunch.

(Y/N):"What can handle a bit of gore ice queen."

Weiss:"Sh-shut up, im just not used to the scent of blood."

(Y/N):"Or the sight of somebody getting mutilated."

Weiss:"I said shut up. How can you guys not feel sick by that?"

Ruby:'Me and Yang watched scary movies when we were little."

Blake:'I was part of the white fang."

(Y/N):'Hey guys not to interrupt but we should get out of here before the police arrive."


(Y/N):"Hey by the way what happened to my team."

Ruby:"Jack got injured during the fight. Sindra and Violet had to take him tot he hospital."

(Y/N):'Jack got injured? Alright you four go back to Beacon im going to go check up on them."

Ruby:'Ok but be careful."

Before Ruby could finish you jumped on all four and ran towards the nearest hospital to se if your teammate would be alright.

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