(Y/N)'s Day

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(Y/N) P.O.V..

Today I was being released from the infirmary. 2 weeks I stayed here, but because of my control of the blood I managed to heal quickly. For now, I was sitting on the edge of the bed searching throughout the channels searching for anything that could be traced back to the church.

(Y/N):"Nothing. *Sigh* What happened to you, Samantha?"

As I sat there reminiscing of the past the door opened revealing my team along with team RWBY, JNPR, and oddly CfVY. Oh yeah, Ray was also with them.

Ruby:"Hey there (Y/N) we heard you were being released today and we all decided to come and see you."

(Y/N):"Thanks, guys."

Ray:"We also made this cake."

(Y/N):"A cake? You shouldn't have."*Prick*

Coco:"I also brought you a gift, that I bet you'll enjoy."

Coco hands me a bag. I open it and take out its belongings and to my surprise, it was my cap all good as new but this time it had antlers in the back that made it resemble my transformation.

(Y/N):"Wow thanks, Coco you're the best."

Coco gave a smile and a thumbs up proud of her work.

Blake:"Um (Y/N)"

(Y/N):"Hm. What's wrong Blake."

Blake:"What about your clothes. You don't have your gear anymore. They were all shredded in the fight remember."

(Y/N):"Oh Blake, Blake, Blake. You forget I am (Y/N)."

I stepped back and instantly blood started to surround me in a sort of twister from feet to head. Then the twister disperses revealing my new outfit.

(Just imagine the back of the cap with the antlers.)

Everybody's eyes widen and had their jaws drop to the ground.

Ruby:"That.....is....the....most....AWSOME THING I HAVE EVER SEEN."

Blake:"Wow that is quite awesome."

Yang:"Now that deserves a Yang."

Jack:"And that ends the mood."

Ray then out of nowhere steps up and takes the spotlight.

Ray:'Well guys (Y/N) isn't the only one to blow your minds. I believe that Ruby's team know what I mean."

Suddenly Yang appeared behind me and whispers in my ear.

Yang:"This might be bad or horrible news for you."

Ruby then joins Ray.

Ray:"I would like to announce that I and Ruby are officially a couple now."

The room went quiet no applause no cheering just quiet.

Ray:"A-are you guys alright.'

Pyrrha:"Y-yeah. Congratulations."

Soon everybody got their composure back and started pity clapping.

(Y/n)Excuse me for a minute."

I walked past them and opened the door exiting and shutting it as normal as possible. Once outside I inhaled and exhaled then.


                      (End of Vol 1)

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