A Walk Around Vale Pt 1

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(Y/N) P.O.V.

(Y/N):"Nothing again."

At the moment I was walking towards my dorm annoyed.

(Y/N):"Maybe ill have better luck next time."

Before i knew it i had bumped into somebody.

(Y/N):"Oops sorry miss, I wasn't paying attention."

????:"Don't worry it was my fault."

????:"Hey buddy watch where your going."

????:"Mercury!  Please accompany Emerald to the Cafeteria."

Emerald:"You herd her come on Mercury."


(Y/N):*Well that was, odd.*

????:"Sorry about him. He can be quite a nuisance."

(Y/N):"Its alright. Say I haven't seen you around are you new."

????:"Why yes, we're students from Haven."

(Y/N):"Oh, than as a student of Beacon i welcome you to Beacon Academy."

????:"Why thank you, I hate to make our meeting short, but I have to go."

(Y/N):"Thats all right i guess ill see you later."


And with that she left to meet up with her compatriots, and i went my own way.

(Y/N):"Oh wait i didn't catch your name."

????:"Hm, oh my name Is Cinder Fall."

(Y/N):"Cinder Fall? Nice name"

Time skip Dorm

I walked into my dorm and saw everybody in there respective places. Jack over on his bed napping. Sindra studying at her desk, and finally Violet watching cartoons instead of trying to raise her grade.

Sindra:"Hello (Y/N)"

(Y/N):"Hey guys."

Violet:"(Y/N), cartoons, sit, now."

(Y/N):"Sorry Violet im quite tired today."

Jack:"Another night of searching for the Healing Church."


I sluggishly walk to my bed and collapse on the bed. I could feel my eyes beginning to close and succumbing to sleep.

(Y/N):"Hello...dream land."


Ruby:"(Y/N), (Y/N)! You in there."

(Y/N):"Arggg. Coming."*Why is it that i can never get some sleep around here.*

I walked towards the door and was greeted by team RWBY.

Ruby:"Hey (Y/N), oh did you just wake up."

(Y/N):"Ye-yeah i guess you can say that."

Blake:"Well we're sorry to wake you up, but we wold like to talk to you in our dorm. All of you."

Sindra:"What about?"

Weiss:"We'll talk about it in our dorm."

Jack:"Fine. Co,e on sis."

Violet:"But cartoons."

She said pointing at the TV with watery eyes.

Jack:"You can watch them once we're back."

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