Demons Pt 2

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3rd P.O.V.

It has been a couple of months since you and 002 have been exposed to the real world. At this time you were walking fast towards the combat area. The reason for this was because you had heard that the others had been released and that they held there until the time being. 002 who you had become much closer this couple of months had gone ahead of you eagerly to meet new friends.

(Y/N):*That girl hs really has changed since day one.*

As you chuckled you bumped into Doc. Lee and a mysterious woman.

Doc. Lee:"Ah 001 how are you doing."

001:" I'm doing great I'm actually going to go meet the new arrivals."

Doc Lee:"I see, but before you go I like you to meet my sister, Valory."

Valory:"Hello their little one."

She bows as well do you.

(Y/N):"Um Doc. what's a sister?"

Valory:"You do not know what a sister is?"

You shake your head in response.

Valory:"Lee do you mind if I answer this one."

Doc Lee:"Not at all."

Valory:"A sister is both your mirror and your opposite."

You tilt your head in confusion causing Valory to giggle.

Valory:"You will know in time."

Doc Lee:"Well I have to go back to work. Valory why don't you accompany 001 to the others."

Valory:"Of course brother."

Doc. Lee turns around and walks away leaving me and Valory alone.

Valory:"Come now."

Valory says as she holds out her hand which you accept and start to walk to the combat area. Along the way, a question popped into Valorie's head.

Valory:"001 may I ask you a question?"

You nod.

Valory:"Why are you named 001?"

(Y/N):"I was named after the order we awoke."

Valory:"So you were the first."

(Y/N):'Yep, along with 002."

Valory:"002, I have heard a lot about her. A timid creature with a big heart."

(Y/N):"Yeah, you can say that again. She sticks to me like a moth to a candle."

Valory giggled at your response making you question if you said something funny.

Valory:" I'm sorry it's just that I thought you said you didn't know what a sister was."

(Y/N):"I don't."

Valory kept on laughing as you kept on walking. When the time had passed, you decided to ask her your own question.

(Y/N):"Valory, can I ask you a question."

Valory:"Of course."

(Y/N):"What does your name mean?"

Valory:"What do you mean?"

(Y/n):"Well mine and 002 names mean what order we were born. Where your name doesn't have a number only letters."

Valory:"Well let's see, my name is Latin an ancient language. It means somebody who is courageous and brave."

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