Pom Poms

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I was 5 when I got my first pair of Poms. 

My mom gave them to me after seeing how much my sister "Loved" Cheering. 

Turns out my sister only cheered to get a good look at the football teams butts. 

I know, gross.

I however, enjoy cheering. 

It helps get energy out and the team is like my family. 

And it's pretty funny turning down people asking me out. 

It being my senior year of highschool now I am the senior captain. 

We were all currently sitting in my front yard taking a break. 

The first football game was this Friday. 

I always liked the first game. 

Because school didn't technically start yet. 

As we were all sitting in a circle talking about the upcoming year, I noticed a moving truck pulling up to the house next to us. 

"New neighbors?" Kayla asks. 

"Guess so" I shrug, sitting next to her. 

I watch as the family climbs out of the truck. 

Two adults and a little girl. 

"Mommy look! Cheerleaders!" The little girl says, pointing over to us. 

We all wave as the girl runs over to us. 

She was wearing jean shorts with a east mountain titans jersey tucked into the front of it.

"I'm Cassie! I'm 7 years old and I wanna be a titan cheerleader when I'm in highschool" 

"Really?" Diana asks. 

"Yes! I go to every game!" Cassie smiles. 

"Why do you go to every game?" Rylee asks. 

"My brother plays!" She says, turning around. 

Number 13, Anderson. 

"Your brother is Jacob Anderson!" Sadie says, about to squeal. 

"Yeah! He should be here any minute, he had to drive the car here" Cassie explains.

I roll my eyes. 

"Cassie!" Her mom yells from their front porch. 

"Coming!" Cassie yells "I have to go! Bye!" She smiles, and skips away. 

"Your new neighbor is Jacob Anderson!" Rylee squeals. 

"He's just some airhead football player, who cares" I scoff. 

The girls all gasp as I take a sip of lemonade. 

"Just a football player?" Kayla asks. 

"He's Jacob Anderson, Claire! This is a big deal!" Sadie states.

I roll my eyes and get up. 

"Okay, tumble, now" I say, hands on my hips. 

The girls formed two lines, Rylee and Kayla started off with back hand-springs. 

As the practice went on I noticed the girls glancing over at the house that was now Jacobs family. 

"Okay! Okay!" I stop them "Go home and get some sleep, practice is at the school tommarow, And expect a workout" I snap. 

The girls nod and one by one leave. 

I take a deep breath once they all leave. 

I lay down on the grass and toss one of my Poms up and down in the air. 

No more practices at my house. 

"Hey stranger" Someone says, grabbing my Pom from the air. 

I jolt up to see it's Jacob. 

"Did I scare you?" he asks. 

Jacob Anderson. The golden boy. 

"Well duh, you can't just grab a cheerleaders Pom Pom out of the air and expect them to be chill about it" I snap, Standing up. 

"Meh" Jacob shrugs. 

I try grabbing it from him but he reaches it above his head. 

"Give it back" I snap. 

"No, I think I'll keep it" Jacob smiles. 

"Well I sorta need it to cheer for that team of yours" I explains, putting my hands on my hips. 

"A sassy girl, I like it!" Jacob smiles, handing me my Pom back. 

I roll my eyes and start walking up the stairs to my front porch. 

"Nice to see you" Jacob smiles. 

"Wish I could say the same about you" I say, turning the doorknob and going inside my house. 

I close the door and go into the kitchen. 

"I see we have new neighbors" My mom says. 

"Yup" I say, popping the 'p'

"Have you met them?" my mom asks. 

"It's Jacob Anderson and his family" I explains. 

"The quarterback? Huh, That's cool" My mom says. 

"Sure it is" I say sarcastically.

I walk up the stairs and too my bedroom. 

I close my door and set my Poms down.

As I collapse on my bed I look out my window. 

Clear shot of one of the neighbors bedroom, which was now Jacobs room. 


Is this karma world? Because I am not here for it. 

There was a good amount of space between the windows thankfully.

Jacob must of noticed me and waved. 

I gave him a sarcastic smile as I got up and closed my curtains. 

Those are now permanently closed. 

His little sister seemed so sweet. 

I wonder what happened to him. 

I'm kidding, I am a very nice person...


I changed into some sweatpants and a tank top before going back downstairs. 

"Mom, What are we doing tommarow?" I ask. 

"Well you have practice and then we are going over to meet the neighbors" My mom says. 

I sigh and laydown on the couch. 

This was going to be a long year. 

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