Me and You

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"I have to go back to my room" Sam whispers. 

"No" I whine, tightening my grip on him. 

"I have too, we don't need the others suspecting anything" He states, kissing my forehead. 

"Fine" I sigh, letting go of him and rolling over. 

"Get some more sleep" He says. 

He gets up and gets dressed then leaves the room. 

We would be talking later about this, I knew it too. 

I looked at the clock to my right to see it was 8 AM. 

I'll sleep for another hour. 

I drifted off to sleep and woke up 30 minutes later. 

"Okay" I sigh.

I get up and get dressed in a hoodie and jeans. 

I take Jacobs hoodie out of my suitcase and throw it over my shoulder. 

Time to return this.

As I zip up my suitcase I sigh and take the hoodie off my shoulder. 

This is almost like a goodbye. 

This is how Jacob and I's story ends...


I step out of the room with my suitcase in hand. 

We leave today, back to boring east mountain. 

I walk downstairs where Kayla and Zach were already standing. 

"Hey!" Kayla smiles. 

"Hi" I smile. 

"How'd you sleep?" Zach asks. 

I didn't. 

"Good" I answer. 

Kayla smirks and stares straight ahead. 

I roll my eyes as her and Zach start a conversation. 

"Lets go!" Aspen yells. 

Emmet walks down the stairs, and stands next to me. 

"Jacob! Sam!" Carlos yells. 

They both come running don the stairs. 

"Morning!" Jacob smiles. 

Sam winks at me and I just smile and shake my head. 

"Okay, Load up the cars" Aspen states. 

We all walk outside talking about the past week and how crazy yet fun it was. 

As we all start getting into the car I stop Jacob. 

"Hey, here's your hoodie back" I say, handing it to him. 

He frowns looking at the hoodie. 

He takes it and gets into the car. 

I take a deep breath and hop into the passengers seat. 

The whole car ride was silent besides the music playing softly on the radio. 

The mood shifted between the ride up to the cabin to now. 

It was a long 5 days full of drama. 

 We drop everyone off at their house and drive to my house. 

"See you later" Emmet says, starting to walk across the street to his house. 

Jacob and I get out of the car and grab our suitcases.

"See you later" I smile when he starts to walk over to his house. 

"Yeah. See ya" He says sharply. 

I frown. 

That was....weird. 


"Claire! Sam is here!" Carlos yells.

"Send him upstairs!" I yell. 

I hear footsteps running up the stairs and there's a knock on my bedroom door. 

I get up and open it, immediately being pulled into a kiss. 

We pull away and smile "Hey loser" 

"Hey yourself" He scoffs. 

He sits down in my desk chair and spins around while I close my door. 

He looks at my laptop to see my college essay. 

"A college essay? Where are you applying to?" Sam asks. 

"A college in New York" I say, sitting on my bed. 

"Cool" He nods "So..." 

"So..." I sigh. 

"The other night was-" 



We look at each other and burst into laughter. 

Sam stops and looks at me "What does this mean? You know...for us?" 

I stop laughing too "What do you want it to mean?" 

"I want it to mean that it's going to be me and you" Sam explains. 

"As a couple?" I ask. 

"As a couple" Sam states.

I nod my head and smile "I would like that but-" 

"No, no buts" Sam whines. 

"But, I think we should wait to go public, this will crush Emmet" I explains. 

Sam nods "Your right" 

"And as for everybody else...I just don't want to deal with that" I explain. 

"I will keep any secret for you Claire Emerson" Sam smiles, getting up and sitting next to me. 

"And I will keep any secret for you Sam Miller" 

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