Day 4: No more

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"We will be back later!" Aspen yells, closing the door behind her and Carlos.

 "A whole day with no adults!" Zach yells. 

"We can't do anything too destructive" I warn, narrowing my eyes are Zach. 

"Well duh!" Kayla laughs "But, I propose a fun day of food and chilling" 

"Who's gonna make the food?" Jacob asks. 

"Uhm Me!" Kayla states.

"Great" Emmet mumbles causing Kayla to hit him in the head. 

"Hey!" Emmet yells. 

"Watch it!" Kayla snaps. 

"Okay, calm down" I sigh. 

"I am calm" Kayla claims. 

Emmet doesn't reply, still being mad about the kiss. 

I walk into the living room and sit in between Sam and about awkward....good job Claire. 

"Sooooo" Sam sighs. 

"Sooooo" Jacob sighs "Do you guys have any idea what's going on with Emmet?" 

"Nope" Sam says, popping the 'p'

Jacob looks at me. 

"What? Am I supposed to know?" I ask. 

"You are his second best friend" Jacob states. 

"Second?" I ask. 

"Yeah. to me" He smiles. 

"You wish" I scoff. 

"I did wish, and then it came true" Jacob laughs. 

"You little-" Sam covers my mouth before I can finish my sentence. 

I look over to my right to see Emmet glaring at us. 

I nudge my head towards him, making eye contact with Sam. 

Sam nods, knowing exactly what I mean and we get up. 

I grab Emmets ear and drag him to my room. 

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! OW!" Emmet yells.

Sam closes the door and I let go of Emmets ear. 

"What do you two want?" Emmet sneers. 

"You back as a friend" I state. 

"And as a boyfriend" Sam whispers. 

"But you two-" 

"It meant nothing Emmet!" Sam shouts. 


"We are just friends, you were okay with us fake dating so can you please stop ignoring us and handle this because you were okay with us fake dating" Sam snaps. 

I stayed quite. 

"You're right" Emmet sighs. 

Thank gosh. 



"Sam that kiss seemed pretty real to me...and considering that we haven't even kissed yet and now Claire and you have, I can't handle it, Claire I except your apology...but Sam...I-I just can't look at you right now" Emmet says, tears filling his eyes. 

"Em Please-" 

"D-don't" Emmet sobs "Just...don't" 

And with that, Emmet leaves the room. 

I see a tear slide down Sams face and my heart breaks a little. 

"Sammy I'm so sorry" I say. 

"Don't" He mumbles "You are the reason he broke up with me, if you didn't drag me into this whole fake dating shit, none of this would have ever happened, I would've never kissed you and we never would've made Emmet upset, I would still have a boyfriend" He snaps. 

"Sam please-" 

"I said don't, you know, I can see why nobody likes you, it's because you are a loudmouth manipulative bitch" Sam spits before storming out. 

And there I am. 

Standing there. 


I've never been called a manipulative bitch before. 

Sure, I've heard loudmouth. 

But hearing it from Sam felt like a dagger to the heart. 

I couldn't cry. 

I couldn't move. 

And I couldn't think.

I was standing there...Helpless. 

Was Sam right? 

Am I manipulative bitch? 

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