After party

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I feel like every small town has that one hang out spot. 

You know, where everybody hangs out on a regular basis. 

I've always loved that our hangout spot was a diner. 

It's like Riverdale! 

But not sucky. 

60s diners are always so cute. 

Especially my towns diner, Nolans.

The waitress' all know us by name. 

That's how small my town is. 

As we were all talking about the game, I noticed that Jacob was quieter then normal. 

And I have known this boy since Sophomore football. 

He always loved to brag about all of his plays. 

I noticed Rylee scooting closer to him. 

I mentally laugh. 

She has no chance. 

I've seen the girls Jacob dates. 

And Rylee, does not fit the description. 

He always likes the shy and quite girls. 

But a few months into their dating, they turn into everyones worst nightmare. 

Caked on makeup, tight clothes that showed way to much, and nasty crusty hair with to my product. 

Jacob dumps them as soon as he sees them like that. 

It's always the same old story.

"Do you see Rylee?" Kayla asks, sitting next to me. 

"Yeah, isn't that pathetic" I laugh. 

I'm guessing Henry overheard us and spread the news. 

News spreads quickly here. 

"Hey Jacob, I see you got a new girl" Victor laughs. 

"Rylee I never knew you could be so cliché" Emily scoffs. 

I laugh along with them. 

Jacob and Rylees faces go red. 

"Isn't that cute, oh my gosh! Couple goals!" I laugh. 

Causing another wave of laughter. 

Rylee gets up and storms off. 

"Oh well, she knows what's best for her" Andy explains. 

We nod in agreement.

Henry picks up his glass and raises it "To the first football game" He says. 

We clink glasses and laugh. 

"We are such a high school movie" I laugh. 

"That's the point" Emmet smiles. 

I smile back at him and everyone laughs. 

"Maybe we have another romance blossoming" Henry jokes. 

"Ew, they are like siblings" Kayla says with disgust. 

"She's right, Claire is like my sister" Emmet states. 

I nod my head. 

I was the only person Emmet was out too. 

And he trusted me with the secret. 

Because he knows I think of it as a "Not my secret to tell" Situation. 

Soon we all agree it's time to leave and walk out to our cars, saying goodbye. 


"Get up!" My mom says, turning on my bedroom light. 

"Why" I whine, putting my pillow over my face. 

"We have to go get your sister from the airport" My mom says "We are leaving in 10" 

I jolt up from my bed and start getting ready. 

I had totally forgotten my sister was coming home today. 

She graduated last year and spent the summer traveling with her boyfriend, Carlos. 

I haven't met him. 

But my parents have.

I don't understand why my sister wants to move back to this small-town. 

I get it, I love it here. 

But I am leaving this place next year. 

Goodbye east mountain, hello New York City. 

Don't judge me. 

I have plans. 

Not Dreams, Plans.

I throw my hair into a ponytail and call it good. 

I run downstairs and to the front door. 

"Lets go!" I yell. 

The drive to the airport feels like forever.

And the wait. 

"Where is she" I whine. 

"Calm down she'll be here-" 

I see her from across the lobby and run over to her. 

Grabbing her in a hug. 

"Hey Claire!" She smiles. 

"Aspen. I have missed you so much" I state, pulling away.

"I've missed you too" She smiles. 

My mom walks over and gives her a quick hug. 

"Nice to see you Penny" My mom smiles. 

Aspen and I have always had nicknames. 

Hers is Penny and mine is Flare. 

Flare was technically stolen from Emmet, but it has stuck with me. 

"And nice to see you again Carlos" My mom smiles, giving the boy next to Aspen a hug. 

Carlos was tall, tan, and talented. 

Aka the three T's Aspen always talked about. 

If you were these three things. 

Aspen would Love you. 

"Three T's" I whisper to Aspen, high fiving her. 

"Okay, Carlos, this is my little sister Claire" Aspen says to Carlos. 

"Nice to meet you" Carlos smiles. 

I smile and nod. 

"Okay, we better get going, Claire has practice and then the Andersons are coming over for dinner" My mom explains. 

I freeze. 

"What?" I say. 

"Oh yeah, The Andersons are coming for dinner Claire" My mom smiles. 

"You know some days I just can't deal with you and your planning mom" I say. 

"Who are the Andersons?" Aspen asks. 

"Our new neighbors" My mom says. 

"The last names Anderson rings a bell"  Aspen explains. 

"Jacob Anderson?" I ask. 

"Yeah that's the quarterback for your school" Aspen remembers. 

"Sadly" I mumble. 

This is going to be the worst dinner ever

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