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My brother was 24 when he died. 

I was 12 and my sister was 17. 

It was the first time I experienced heartbreak. 

After his funeral I got to keep his helmet. 

It was a standard helmet, but on the inside were baby pictures of my sister and I. 

He always said we were his good luck charms. 

Guess not. 

On April 12th, 2013 my brother, Ryland Emerson died in a hotel fire 

I wont go into details. 

His helmet is still in my room to this day. 

The pictures a little ashy but I think it gives it character. 

It tells a story. 

It tells my brothers story. 

In the words of my dad "Everybody has a story" 

As I stared at the computer I felt like I was falling down a black- hole. 

Write a 4 page essay of a lesson you've learned throughout life.

I've been staring at this screen for 2 hours. 

"Ugh" I sigh, slamming my laptop and sliding down in my chair. 

"What's up?" Aspen asks, appearing in my doorway. 

"College" I mumble.  

"Oh" Aspen says, sitting on my bed "I'm guessing you have to-" 

"Write a essay?" I ask. 

She nods "What does It have to be about?" Aspen asks. 

"A life lesson" I sigh. 

"Okay, you can do that" Aspen says, putting her hands on my shoulders. 

"Sure I can" I mumble, putting my head into my hands. 

"Well first, lets get some sunshine in here" She states, walking over to my curtains and opening them "And just think Claire, you're a smart kid, I have to go help mom with dinner but....just think" 

I roll my eyes "Thanks for your help" I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm

She leaves my room and closes the door behind her. 

I sigh and jump onto my bed. 

"Think. Think.....Oh you're kidding." I say out loud. 

Let me give you a rundown of my room. 

My desk is in the corner of my room, bed in the middle facing the window. 

You know, the window facing Jacobs room. 

Jacob, who was currently standing in his room, shirtless, and on the phone. 

I might bash my head into a wall. 

And of course I look for a little too long and before I know it, Jacob has hung up his phone and looking directly at me. 

He smiles and waves at me while I get up and close my curtains. 

Okay, now for sure permanently closed. 

I don't need to see that again. 

And now I'll actually have to talk to him at dinner so he doesn't tell the whole effing school that I saw him shirtless. 

Although he did act pretty casual about it. 

No, I need to talk to him. 


"Claire! The Andersons are here!" My mom yells from downstairs. 

"Great, let me just quickly give a crap and I'll be right down" I say, as I start walking down the stairs. 

As I reach the bottom I am meet with Jacob, Cassie, and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. 

"You must be Claire!" Mrs. Anderson says. 

"That's me, Nice to meet you Mrs. Anderson" I smile. 

"Oh please, call me Naomi, and this is my husband Richard" Naomi explains. 

I nod and smile at Mr. Anderson. 

"Well, Dinner still wont be done for another 15 minutes, Claire, why don't you and Jacob go talk in your room" My mom suggests. 

I can see my dad from the corner of my eye stiffen. 

My mom and Naomi are smiling like idiots. 

I look at my mom and shake my head while Jacob laughs under his breath. 

As always, my mom wins the argument.

"Okay, Jacob you can follow me" I mumble. 

We walk upstairs to my room  and walk inside. 

"So is looking at shirtless boys from your bedroom window a hobby or a full time job" Jacob says, smirking. 

"Oh my gosh, Stop" I whine "Our bedroom windows are literally right across from each other" 

"I know. I know. But I had to say something" Jacob laughs. 

"You can't tell anyone" I explain. 

"I wont" I let out a sigh of relief  "But" 

"Of course" 

"You have to be my date to the prom" Jacob smiles, satisfied. 

"Seriously?" I ask

He hums in response. 

"Are you blackmailing me Anderson?" I ask. 

He steps closer to me so we are only a inch apart. 

My breath catches in my throat. 

"So what if I am, Emerson" Jacob whispers. 

I might need that helmet right now. 

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