Game day

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"Don't be nervous, you'll be fine" I smile at Paige, who was currently being held up by 4 other girls. 

"Maybe being a flyer isn't my thing" The sophomore girl says. 

"You're a twig, now fly" I instruct. 

Next thing I know she's in the air and landing her basket toss perfectly. 

"See, it wasn't that bad" I Say, while she's being put down by the girls. 

"I felt like I was going to pass out" Paige says, taking a sip of her water. 

I roll my eyes. 

"I get it, I was a flyer my first year of cheer too, you'll get used to it" I smile. 

She nods and runs off. 

"She was a nervous wreck" I say to Kayla, Our junior captain. 

"You think? What do you think she will do when we are in front of the crowd tonight" Kayla said, sitting down on the bench. 

"I don't think I want to know" I explain "Alright girls, be back here by 6:30, if you're late, you're not cheering, see you tonight!" 

All the girls nod and head out the door. 

"If they are bad tonight, We are going back to a team of 7" I explain to Kayla. 

She nods her head in agreement and we start walking out of the school. 

We look over at the football field to see the football team just got done with their practice. 

I saw Jacob walking out talking to one of his buddies. 

"I need to get home before he does, see you tonight Kayla" I say, walking to my car and getting in. 

I drive out of the parking lot with a roar.


My family has been trying to visit the new neighbors all week. 

But thankfully, we are two busy.

And besides, they will meet them at the game tonight. 

I was currently in the girls locker room with the cheer team, we were all getting ready. 

I was doing a girls facepaint, when I noticed the time. 


"Okay! Lets go!" I say closing the paint. 

They all walk out of the locker room, Poms in hand, Ponytails up high. 

I was the last one out. 

I close the door behind me and turn around. 

Just to be face-to-face with Jacob. 

"What?" I ask. 

"You ready?" He smiles. 

"Sure" I say, crossing my arms. 

"Do you not like me or something?" Jacob asks. 

"Oh my gosh, you actually said something logical" I gasp. 

He rolls his eyes "Why don't you like me" He frowns. 

"Simple, Because I don't" I smile. 

To be honest. 

It was hard to take him seriously with all his gear on. 

"Anyway, good luck!" I smile, walking away. 

I didn't really know why I didn't like him. 

Kayla and I have discussed it before, and she thinks it's because I see everybody worshiping him and I want to be different. 

I guess she's somewhat right. 

As we made it onto the track I noticed my parents sitting next to the Andersons. 

Cassie smiled and waved to all of us, Running up to the fence. 

"Hi Claire!" She smiles. 

"How do you know my name?" I ask, Knowing I didn't tell her on Monday. 

"Jacob has been talking about how we moved next to you all week" Cassie explains. 

I give her a confused look while the rest of the girls stand there with their mouths open. 

Either jealous or shocked, I couldn't tell. 

"Okay, um see you later Cassie" I say stepping away from the bleachers and onto the track. 

"Oh my-" 

"Don't even" I say, cutting Rylee off. 

The band started playing music that we all clapped along to and did tricks to. 

Soon our team ran onto the field and we all cheered as loud as we could for them. 

The school fight song started playing and we did the routine to it. 

Soon we were all facing the field watching the second half of the game, doing cheers on a regular basis. 

It was all going good. 

Our team was winning. 

But not by much. 

When the game ended and reveled we had won, All the cheerleaders jumped and screamed. 

Jacob and I made eye contact as he looked over to us, I flashed him a thumbs up before putting my hand back in my Poms. 

The cheerleaders and I ran to the locker rooms to gather our stuff. 

"So?" Kayla asks. 

"We can keep everybody" I smile. 

"Okay! Victory dinner?" Kayla asks. 

"Defiantly" I nod "Victory dinner at Nolans diner! If you need a ride as me or Kayla" I yell. 

As we walked out of the locker room I was notified a few girls were just going to go home. 

I walked over to my parents and hugged them. 

"Amazing!" My dad smiles. 

"Thank you, I try" I laugh. 

I explain to them that I was going out with a few of the girls and they say it's okay. 

I walk out to my car to see Jacob and a few of his teammates by his car. 

"Hey Claire! We are heading to Nolans, wanna come?" Jacob asks. 

"The cheer team is also going there, so I guess we will se you guys there" I explain, putting my stuff in the back seat. 

"Oh great we have to deal with the most annoying girls in school" Emmet complains. 

 "Aw you have to deal with the girls that make your games interesting" I snap. 

"You know I'm just kidding Flare" Emmet smiles. 

Emmet was always like this. 

We would joke back and fourth just to confuse people. 

We basically grew up together. 

Pre-school through Senior year is a long time to know a person. 

We were like siblings. 

When we were in 3rd grade I yelled at him for taking my swing on the playground and thus the nickname "Flare" Came to be.

"Whatever, see you guys there" I laugh.

I then get into my car and drive away. 

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