Homecoming pt.2

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"I believe that we will win! I believe that we will win!" We all shout. 

I was now the end of halftime and the players were all running onto the field.

"Lets go titans!" Sadie yells doing a toe touch. 

We all cheer and clap as the second half starts. 

Jacob was back. 

He was doing amazing. 

The teamwork that was going on shocked us all. 

Our team was defiantly back. 

"Go Jacob!" Rylee yells. 

I roll my eyes.

"Routine 1!" I shout. 

We did the routine and got the crowed going wild. 

"Go cheerleaders!" I hear a voice say. 

I look up in the stands to see Cassie. 

"Hey Cass!" I smile. 

"You guys are doing great" She smiles. 

"Like always!" Rylee cuts in standing next to me. 

"Ew Rylee go away" Cassie says, turning her smile into a face of disgust. 

"Excuse me?" Rylee scoffs. 

"I don't like you" Cassie states. 

I hold back a laugh. 

"I'm your brothers girl-" 

"And you shouldn't be, Claire should be" Cassie snaps. 

"Okay" I stop them "Lets go Rylee" 

I lead her back over to our squad, flashing a thumbs up to Cassie behind Rylees back. 

I love little kids. 


"We won!" Tyler yelled from the stands. 

The seniors all threw up colored powder painting the air surrounding us with our school colors. 

Our team all ran of the field and over to us. 

Jacob ran over to me and grabbed me in a bear hug. 

"No!" I whine. 

"To late" He laughs. 

"My turn!" Emmet laughs pulling me away from Jacob into a hug. 

"I don't know what you said that boy...but thank you" Emmet whispers. 

I pull away and nod my head. 

We run over to Kayla and jump up and down with her. 

"They did it!" I yell. 

Kayla freezes. 

I look in the direction she is looking in and stop. 

Rylee and Jacob...kissing. 

"That's confident of her" I say. 

Emmet walks over to them and pull them away, pretending like he was just congratulating Jacob. 

I make eye contact with Jacob who loses his smile at the sight of me. 

I give him a fake smile and continue celebrating. 

Fake it till you make it...am I right? 


I laugh as Emmet starts imitating Rylee. 

"Oh look at me, I'm Jacobs Sophomore girlfriend, I'm going to kiss him infront of the entire student body" Emmet mocks.

Kayla and I laugh and lay down in the grass. 

Us three were currently sitting in my front yard laughing and drinking hot chocolate. 

Kayla and I were still in our uniforms and Emmet in his jersey. 

"We better get going, it's late" Kayla says. 

I sigh "Yeah" 

"See you Flare" Emmet says, walking over to his house. 

Kayla waves and gets into her car, leaving my driveway in a roar. 

I took a deep breath and got up from the grass. 

"Hey! Claire!" I hear a voice say. 

I look over to my left to see Jacob. 

"Hey" I smile.

"I just wanted to say thank you, I'm just happy we are cool after-" 

"Yeah...Just forget about it" I laugh. 

He sticks his hands in his pockets and chuckles. 

We stand there in comfortable silence for a few minutes before he speaks up. 

"See you later?" Jacob asks. 

"Yeah...see you later" I smile. 

He walks over to his house as I walk inside mine. 

Dear heart, 

Why him? 

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