Movie night

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"Jacob!" I hear Cassie yell. 

I groan and get up from my bed. 

It has been a hour since Claire showed up. 

In that hour I showered, and then sat on my phone. 

I know. 

Very productive. 

I walked to the living room and was stopped by blankets. 

"Hi brother!" Cassie smiles. 

I laugh a little at Cassie sitting in the middle of this mess and Claire finishing off a bowl of ice cream with whipped cream

"What's this?" I ask, leaning against the doorframe. 

"A party!" Cassie smiles "Now go get your pajamas on and come back! Claire made Ice cream sundaes!" 

I laugh and look over at Claire, who refuses to look at me. 

Stubborn as always. 

But to be fair, I shouldn't of called her impossible. 

I'm sure she has her reasons. 

I head back to my room and change into football PJ pants and a black t-shirt. 

This was going to be interesting.


"Why beauty and the beast?" I whine. 

"Because I said so" Cassie snaps, sitting Criss-Cross next to me. 

Claire sits next to Cassie and laughs "Yeah because she said so" 

I roll my eyes "This isn't fair, we didn't vote" I sigh. 

"Yeah we did, you just weren't here" Claire explains, starting the movie and taking a bite of her sundae. 

I chuckle and turn my attention to the screen. 

It luckily was the new live action version, still wasn't my favorite though. 

Half way through the movie I noticed Cassies eyes getting heavy, and by the end she was fast asleep on Claires shoulder. 

I got up as Claire stopped the movie and I picked Cassie up, bringing her to her bedroom and laying her down. 

As I started walking towards the door I heard Cassie sit up. 

"Jacob?" She asks. 

"Yeah?" I say, turning around. 

"Do you like Claire?" She asks. 

"What do you mean kiddo?" 

"You always talk about her to your friends on the phone and during the movie you kept sneaking glances at her" Cassie explains. 

"It's nothing Cass, just go to bed" I say, closing the door. 

Was she right? 

Did I have feelings for Claire?

No. No, she's just a friend....well I can't really even say friend...more like, acquaintance?

I don't know. 

"Crap" I hear Claire say from the kitchen. 

I walk to the kitchen and see her trying to rub something off of her white shirt. 

"You okay?" I ask. 

She turns around to reveal she spilt chocolate sauce on her shirt. 

"It's fine, I'm just gonna go" Claire says. 

"Nope, follow me" I state, grabbing her wrist and dragging her to my room. 

I grab a hoddie from  my closet and hand it to her. 

"Here, put this on and we can wash your shirt, besides you promised my parents you would watch Cass" I explain. 

She mumbles a quick "thank you" and I step out of my bedroom so she could change. 

I walk back down to the living room and start cleaning up the blanket fort the girls made. 

I couldn't help but smile at the fact my little sister convinced Claire, the most stubborn girl, to make a fort. 

"Booooo you're taking down fort C2" I hear from behind me. 

I turn around to see Claire in the hallway. 

She now was wearing my very oversized sweatshirt that covered her shorts. 

She looked cute. 

I couldn't help but smile a little. 

"Fort C2?" I ask. 

"Yeah. Fort C2, Cassie and Claire both start with a C" Claire explains. 

I roll my eyes and take her dirty shirt and walk to the laundry room to throw it in the wash. 

After I do that I go back to the living room to see the fort gone and everything folded nicely. 

"Are you a Ninja or something?" I ask. 

"Nope, just quick" Claire laughs. 

We carry the extra blankets downstairs then head back upstairs. 

"Listen, Claire... I'm sorry for what I said the other night" I explain, chewing on my bottom lip. 

"It's fine, I am a little impossible" She laughs. 

She has such a cute laugh.


Maybe Cassie is right. 

Do I like Claire?

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