Tsubasa no Akuma (The Winged Demons)

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My peaceful sleep was not awakened by an alarm clock this fine morning, but instead Eventine yelling in my ear.

Damn that stupid girl.

She had scared me so much that I had fallen out of the tree, managing to land on my feet with the grace of a dead bodie, while she was laughing her head off like it was the apocalypse.

"Screw you Eventine, screw you" I muttered as I went through my daily morning routine, and since my morning routine was boring I began thinking.

We haven't seen the Akatsuki yet, they are soooo hot. OMG we should so totally form our own group, we know most of the plot anyway, and it means we'd get to see the Akatsuki since they'd come after us, AND with our awesome powers we could become rulers of the world.

EVEN THE FREAKING AKATSUKI WOULD BOW DOWN TO US!!!!!! And we could have a awsome hideout and our own cloaky things and tons of other cool stuff! And we shall be called Tsubasa no Akuma, or in other words, THE WINGED DEMONS. HELLS YES!!!

"EVENTINE, PURITY GET YOUR ASSES OVER HERE NOW!!!" I screamed, startling them both, since well I'm not really a morning person. They obliged and made their way to the waterfall where I was sitting.

"Ok so what is it?" Purity questioned as she made herself comfortable.

"I wanna start a group to take over the world, NICELY, and we can beat the Akatsuki" I said smiling happily being naive and thinking that they'd agree instantly.


"No" They said simutanieously and went back to doing what they previously were. Oh well it was worth a try.

Today was graduation day and I have a pretty good feeling I'm going to pass, I mean pshhhh look at me. Though I still feel kind of sorry for Naruto, having to get tricked by Mizuki to get his headband.

Oh well, thats just how life goes.

I sighed and began to get dressed, calling over Eventine again to hold my scythes in place while I wrapped bandages around them, and soon we were off to school. Konoha was filled with life so early in the morning. People were putting out stalls in the markets and chatting lively to their children as they headed to school.

But as soon as we passed their endless chatting stopped and they stared openly at us three sisters walking calmly towards the academy. Yesterday I didn't particularly mind but now it was starting to piss me off.

God help those people if they don't stop staring soon.

Purity's POV

From the corner of my eye I could tell that Sanity was losing her patience with the people. I just really hope she doesn't do anything drastic. I personally don't mind how much they stare at us. It's only natural for people to stare at things they are curious about, after all.

We walked out of the markets and into the courtyard of the academy where some of the younger grades were already playing. It pleases me to see them so happy and full of life, I've always loved children, few of them judge people at first glance.

A ball rolling to a stop at my feet snapped me out of my happy little world. I bent down and picked it up, looking for whose it could be. A little boy no older than eight walked up to me with curious eyes, behind me my sisters stopped to look at the boy.

"Hello, is this possibly your ball?" I asked gently, offering the ball out to him.

He shook his head and pointed to a large group of boys around the same age who were cowering behind a bush.

"They said that if I got the ball for them they'd let me play wif them" He said with an adorable smile on his face.

My face saddened at the thought that this poor child may be being left out. I stood up and grabbed his hand, taking him with me over to the boys. I  handed them the ball, and gave a gentle push to the little one beside me.

"Play nice now" I smiled and walked back to my 'sisters'.

"Took you long enough" Sanity grumbled as we began walking into the academy just as the bell rang. Children of all ages sprinted throughout the halls hurrying to get to class on time, while we walked calmly. Three minutes after the bell rang and the halls calmed we made it into the class where everyone sweatdropped at our lateness.

For the second time.

"Ah girls, glad to see you could join us" Iruka greeted, with a slightly peeved face while pointing to the back of the classroom where our seats awaited.

"Today, as you all know, is graduation. Mizuki and I will be in another room and grade you one at a time, when we have finished grading, which will probably be sometime around lunch, we will let you all go home early" Iruka said cheerfully, and began calling out the names in alphabetical order.

I zoned out and fell asleep somewhere around the 'b's'.

Eventine POV

Well this is eventful isn't it?

Purity's fallen asleep beside me and is snoring her ass off, while Sanity is playing her music at full volume to block out the snoring.

"- You make me wanna die,

I'll never be good enough,

and everytime I look inside your eyes,

you make me wanna die"

I'm pretty sure she became obsessed with that song (Make me wanna die) after seeing one of the Death Note amvs for it. I must admit the songs pretty catchy, but at the moment its getting on my nerves.

"Sanity ..."

"Yeah" she replied pausing the music to look at me.

"You are wasting your chakra, and I don't care what you say but if you don't stop singing now I will make myself a gun and shoot you with it." I threatened, I mean seriously, it gets freakin annoying.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever" she replied with a wave of her hand and started singing again.

"Eventine Titanium, please come with me to be graded" Iruka called out, I removed myself from the seat and proceeded to enter the room.

Well, its now or never.

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