Bindings Broken

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Sanity POV

Oh look at that, Eventines left to get graded, now I'm one step closer to possibly failing.

I'm not nervous, I can't be nervous, I mean seriously its such an easy test.

And if I run low on chakra from singing to my vibrations, I'll just remove one of the binds.


Nothing to be worried about at all.

" - Sanity Eventine, please come with me to be graded" Iruka called.

Wow, time sure does fly by when your worrying about failing.

I got out of my seat, and slowly made my way to the front of the classroom, out the door and into the grading room. Iruka sat down beside Mizuki and began to speak "Please make two solid clones of yourself"

I nodded before closing my eyes.

Inhale. Exhale

I went through the handsigns, and waited.

Nothing. Not - A - Thing

Inhale. Exhale.

I tried again, concentrating my chakra to my hands, I felt it there but still there was nothing.

My brow creased and I went over the handsigns, again, and again.


"Ahem" I lifted my panicked head to see Iruka and Mizuki looking at me worridly.

"It seems that you are unable to make two solid clones, so I'm sorry to say this, but you fail"

My heart just simply snapped, I carefully removed any traces of emotion on my face and in my body before walking out the door. I just wasn't thinking, like I was on auto - pilot. Out of the academy, past the whispering students, past the citizens closing up shop in the streets, deep into the forest where I broke down into tears.

I would be seperated from my friends and family, I wouldn't be able to travel with them on dangerous missions. They could die, and I wouldn't be there to hear their final words, bask in their final breaths.

Only one word could describe what I felt right now. Alone.

I felt absolutely and utterly alone.

Soon my sadness turned to rage. I was so angry with myself, how could I just waste chakra like that, even if I had so much of it left, their must've been a side effect of using my kekkei genkai, like being unable to use chakra for a certain amount of time after.

Then I heard voices, just a bit beyond the tree's, I peeked around and what I saw reminded me exactly what was supposed to happen in this episode.

Infront of me was Iruka, Mizuki and Naruto. Mizuki removed one of the wind shuriken from his back and threw it at Iruka. I didn't think, just acted on instinct, I ran and jumped infront of Iruka, shielding his back from the blade.

Pain and chakra erupted from where the shuriken hit, right on top of my first chakra bind. Blood was slowly dripping down my arm, where the once black bind, now glowed red, before crumbling into dirt.

The extra chakra gave me such energy, made me feel so alive and carefree like I was invincible.

A smile slowly spread across my face, it was not a nice smile, but more the smile of an insane child. Iruka and Naruto, were so shocked behind me, they couldn't find words.

"So, another one I have to kill eh? You shouldn't be to difficult, after all you couldn't even complete a simple clone jutsu" Mizuki sneered at me, preparing to throw the second shuriken.

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