Introducing Dean

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My name is Dean Alex McCallister. And once again I have been forced to move to a new town and start all over again. That means starting at a new school. I moved into a town called Grace Hill. It looks to be just the same as every other town. I'm just glad that this time I will be able to start over again. I live in a two bedroom apartment nearby the school. But my parents are always travelling for work. That's why we relocate so often, they need to move for work. But even then they often leave for months at a time on work trips. It suits me really, I get the whole house to myself and don't have to follow any of their stupid rules. The only way they control me is by saying that if I skip school more then they deem acceptable then they will take away my only love in life, my motorcycle. The only thing I can't believe is that they would make me go to school when their is only one day left for the year! Oh well I guess I don't have a choice. If only to save my bike.

Waking up in the morning of my first day at Grace Hill High I just want to stay in bed. So with no one to tell me otherwise I rolled over in bed and went back to sleep. I woke up with only 20 minutes to go before I am meant to start at the new school. I roll out of bed and take my time to get ready. I reluctantly put on my school uniform and run my fingers through my hair, caring little about how I look (photo below) I mean it's only school.

I grabbed my leather jacket and my motorbike helmet on the way out of the house and started making my way towards the school

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I grabbed my leather jacket and my motorbike helmet on the way out of the house and started making my way towards the school. I've always loved the roar of a bike and the feeling I get when driving around; it feels like just me and my bike exist in the world.

As usual the sound of my beauty draws the attention of all of my fellow school students. I park my car in the first available spot and take off my helmet. I give all the onlookers my most charming smile and start moving in the direction of all of the other students.
The crowd of students look on and part for me as I walk through. Some girls try and latch on to me as I walk past but I detach from them pretty easily and keep walking. I know girls like them, they don't care about anything but there status and the next hot guy.

I noticed from my quick walk through the crowd that all of the stereotypical groups are present in this school. There are the nerds, the jocks, the 'populars' etc. Every school I have been to it is always the same way. I don't often get close to any of these people, they're all the same.

I make my way to the office and collect my schedule. As I walk past other students they all stop and stare at me, some whispering and gossiping amongst each other. I overhear some of them talking about how hot I am and asking if I have a girlfriend. As if I would date any of them. At least I only have one day at this school before we're all of for the rest of the year on holidays.

I find my first Class room, whoever allowed people to start the day with Maths was insane. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before pushing the door to the classroom open.

Everything after that happens quite quickly. A girl must have entered slightly before me because as I push the door open she starts to fall backwards towards me. With my quick reflexes I make a move closer to her to stop her from falling towards the ground. She lands perfectly in my arms and I can't help but to check her out as I notice how beautiful she is. I am caught in the bubble of her and I as I forget where we are and that there is a class full of students in front of me. She starts to go bright red and I quickly straighten us both back up but keep a hand around her waist till she gains her balance back. I feel bad for knocking the door into her and make a move to apologise. It wasn't my intention to knock her over so I say: "Sorry about that love, it wasn't the first impression I was trying to make. Are you okay?" She blushes again and mutters quietly saying "It's okay", then scurries off to what I am assuming is her desk. She looked very embarrassed that the rest of the class and I were still looking at her.

Who I am assuming is the teacher coughs a couple of times to get the classes attention and then turns towards my direction at the front of the classroom. "Class this is our new student Dean, let's all make him feel welcome." He then motions towards a desk at the back of the classroom and says "why don't you take your seat next to Lorelai up the back and we can all get started on today's lesson."

I walk towards the back of the classroom in a quiet daze. I drop into my seat and observe the classroom looking around for the girl I had bumped into. When I can't find her I glance beside me and see that she's the one I'm sitting next to. So the gorgeous girl I accidentally ran into is sitting next to me.

Maybe I won't hate it in this town as much as I thought.

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