Dean's Soft Side ☺️

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After I wake up next to a half naked Dean I was quick to check under the covers to make sure I hadn't made too much of a mistake last night. Thanks gosh I was wearing clothes. My dress had ridden up in my sleep so I was quick to pull that down before pulling the covers off of my body. I tried not to make a sound as I looked for my shoes. My head started to spin so I leant against the wall for a minute to get my bearings back. It was then as I stopped that I took in Deans room. It wasn't as I would've pictured it. Not that I spent time picturing Deans room but I would've expected some posters of half naked women and clothes sprawled all over the floor at the very least. But his room was quite clean the desk was neat besides from a few open school books on his desk. His walls are a deep blue colour that kind of remind me of his eyes. His queen size bed is up against the back wall and covered in simple black covers. His room seems a bit impersonal just down to the bare bones making it seem as if he doesn't spend any time there.

I couldn't help myself but to take the opportunity to glance back over and check out his half naked body. He looks peaceful when he's asleep, more relaxed, almost tranquil. And I do have to admit he is the most attractive guy I have ever seen, I would not admit that to anyone else though! He doesn't need a bigger ego than he probably already has. I was still staring at his body (at the time his chest) when I didn't notice him waking up. It wasn't till I looked up to his face again and saw his eyes wide open staring at me that I realised I had been caught "like what you see princess?" I huff in displeasure of course he has to wake up now, he couldn't have woken up 20 minutes ago. "Nah I was just taking in the mental image of what it's like when you actually close your mouth." He laughs and winks at me "don't even try to deny it, I saw you checking me out when I woke up, kinda creepy don't you think?" I grunt in annoyance, why couldn't we go back to 5 minutes ago when he was peacefully asleep and not bothering me. "Umm so how did I end up here and what happened last night?" He looks shocked and concerned all of a sudden. "Oh I thought you knew." I give him a blank look in return. "Well umm to be honest, I found you passed out in the spare bedroom when I was looking for a quiet place." My head started spinning with thoughts. Passed out? Me? How did that happen??? I never had anything and I'm always careful to watch people with my drinks. Damnit I bet it was after I got the drink spilled on me and left my drink alone. All these thoughts were making me emotional I couldn't help it but to burst out crying. Dean looks shocked at my emotional outburst, he must've just thought I had fallen asleep or something but I suspect I was drugged. I don't remember anything after the two drinks I had after coming back from the bathroom. Oh no what if something happened and I can't remember. What am I going to do? As soon as Dean actually takes in the fact that I'm seriously upset about something he jumps up from the bed and tries to comfort me. "Hey it's going to be okay." He rubs my back and plays with my hair trying to calm me down. Eventually the sobs subside and I am able to get some works out. I took a deep breathe and spluttered out the words. "Dean ... I think someone drugged me." He takes in a sharp inhale of breathe and goes back to rubbing my back, trying to soothe me back to my normal self. He just keeps saying "shh everything will be okay".

I know I shouldn't be thinking this but I realise it is the first time we have actually been nice to each other and not fought. He can actually be really sweet when he wants to be.

Eventually I calm down and make a move towards the bed to sit down. Dean follows behind me and rubs the soothing circles into my hand while I tell him what I remember of last night. When I finish he looks concerned "are you okay?" He asks then blinks and quickly mutters "wait don't answer that, stupid question." Then he whips his hand down his face before asking the question I have been waiting for. "Do you know who did it? Or suspect someone." "Look Dean all I know at this stage is it had to be someone from our school because no one else was there." I kept thinking about it more and remembered "wait it was one of the seniors that was being a bartender that night I think. The whole thing has kind of gone fuzzy." Dean looks concerned after I say that. "Maybe we should be taking you to the hospital just incase there is any bad effects. You don't even know what you took or how much." I don't really love the idea but I see his point. "Fine but you're driving." He gets a cheeky grin on his face and salutes. "As if I was going to let you drive anyway princess."

After that he stuck by me the rest of the day, from taking me home to change clothes, to the three hours wait in the hospital. He rubbed my hand that whole time trying to keep me calm. He let me squeeze the life out of his hand when they took a blood test to see what drugs if any I had in my system. And was very supportive. After feeling so scared after I realised what happened I actually felt safe and secure being in his presence.

The hospital sent us home to wait for the results but said if I had any negative side effects to come straight in. After he took me home he even came inside and kept my company while no one was home. It was after he went to leave that I started panicking. I started having a panic attack my breathing started getting slower and my chest felt tight. I started feeling dizzy and collapsed. Luckily he has fast reflexes and caught me on the way down and brought me straight into a hug. Soothing me in just the same way as he did this morning. I'm not sure why but I suddenly feel very attached to this stranger. Maybe because in some ways he could've saved my life last night by taking me home. Anything could have happened whilst I was unconscious. I owe him a lot for that.

After I was calm again, I could breathe normally and said "I don't think I ever said this but thankyou for saving me last night, I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't have found me." He gives me a wink and says "don't worry I'm not going anywhere." And since he was the vice I needed a the moment to feel safe and secure he stayed. Suck in through my window and cuddled with me in my bed. Changing between rubbing my back and playing with my hair and eventually the sound of his heartbeat lulled me into a deep sleep.

It was the best nights sleep I ever had.... maybe dean isn't as bad as I first though.

Who knew this much could change in a single night.

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