Early Morning Wake Ups and Tickle Fights

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Authors Note: Hey guys I am also considering doing a werewolf story about mates at the same time as I write this. If you have an opinion give a comment and let me know if you would be interested. Thanks :)

I woke up feeling very comfortable and warm. I sighed in content and moved further into the warmth of my pillow. I repositioned and got comfortable again. It was only as I moved my hand down a bit further that I felt muscles under my hand. Wait hang on a minute muscles, that makes absolutely no sense. I popped one eye open and saw a naked chest in front of me. I kept moving my eyes and without realising my hands up this body. I was about to scream but then I saw the face of the person ... Dean. With that realisation the memories of last night came rushing back. I can't believe he actually stayed and how good he was to me yesterday. I zoned back in from my memories of yesterday and notice a pair of eyes are now open and staring at me. "Morning princess, couldn't get enough of me so you had to grope me while I sleep?" I could tell now after what we went through yesterday that his cocky remarks aren't serious and he is just trying to fake it. What he is faking and why I am not sure yet. So I sarcastically replied back "Yeah I realised my undying love for you and just couldn't hold it in anymore" along with a roll of my eyes in response. "Alright love, it's way too early for sarcasm." That's when I looked at the clock to see it was only 6am. I felt bad for waking him up so early after he had to look after me and was stuck here yesterday. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up and I am so sorry for how I was yesterday and making you stay with me." I frowned at the memories of yesterday, I still can't believe someone would drug me. What did I ever do to deserve that? 

One minute I was zoned out with these thoughts and the next I was  laughing. Not just normal laughter but the uncontrollable laughter that came out in such a high girly pitch. This came out of the blue and I wasn't able to stop laughing. Dean was tickling me and I couldn't help but to think that we had completely changed from a couple of days ago. I couldn't stop smiling and laughing for the next 15 minutes. He only stopped in the end because I was struggling to breathe. "Why did you do that?" I wheezed out after I had calmed down. Dean looked at me gave a deep almost sexy laugh from deep in his chest before simply saying "I could tell you were getting upset by whatever you were thinking about and that was the first thing I could think of." Who knew that the guy that I thought was an obnoxious jerk two days ago could actually be kind of sweet. I spluttered a little not knowing how to react. "Uh thanks I guess." He chuckled before saying a simple "You're welcome princess." 

After that we laid back down in bed and got comfortable again. After about 10 minutes when it looked like he was going to fall back asleep I thought it was the perfect time to go after my revenge. I turned over in bed got on my knees and did my best to tickle him. It worked for about 2 minutes and he was laughing a little bit before I was suddenly underneath him being attacked with tickles again. Man, how did this backfire so quickly. Oh well it was worth it just to prove I will always have my revenge. 

After the tickle fights we were both heaving in air and he was still mostly on top of me. It was then I realised how close we really were. With our legs entwined and bodies heaving into each other as we tried to get our breath back, both of us breathing heavily with the occasional laugh. The smiles on our faces were not fading at all. "Damn how fat are you? You're crushing me with your weight you giant" I jokingly stated. He huffed before saying "Oh yeah you think this is me crushing?" He then proceeded to lower the rest of his body weight onto my half sitting and half laying on top of me. His legs were directly on top of mine. "Now you really are crushing me." I wheezed out. He laughed "well that's what you get for calling me fat." I got sick of waiting for him to move and decided to try and move him myself. I feigned a struggle at first fake pushing him. The next move came as a surprise to both of us. I pushed so hard against him that I was not only able to turn us over so I was on top of him but I fell forward and our faces were left at only a few inches away from each other. I became hypnotised by his illuminating bright blue eyes. I couldn't look away. Without either of us thinking much about it our faces started moving slowly towards each other. 

It was like both of us realised what was happening at the last minute and jumped away from each other. Our faces were only an inch apart by that point but I think it will take me a long time to get that haunting stare out of my eyes. 

I know we have only just started liking each other as friends recently but I can't help but think that if things keep going like this he will become a very important part of my life... 

After things had settled down we both got comfortable again for a few more hours sleep and I couldn't help but dream of a boy with bright blue eyes keeping me safe from all of the troubles of the world!

Dean McCallister, what are you doing to me?

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