Dean's Protecive Nature

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After our near kiss this morning we spent the rest of the day just relaxing and watching movies. I was glad it didn't become awkward. It was nice to just have some time out from the world especially when I realise I have to face school tomorrow. And with that comes the realisation that I'll be nearby whoever drugged me that night. I came to this realisation half way through the movie and couldn't focus on the rest of it. I think Dean must have noticed because when I zoned back in the movie was paused and Dean was holding my hand rubbing soothing circles into it. When he noticed I was looking at him he asked "Hey, you okay?" I gave him a slight thankful smile for being so great and said "Yeah I'm okay just worried about going back to school after what happened. Don't worry though it'll be fine. Let's just finish watching the movie." He looks uncertain before sighing and finally doing what I ask but not before pulling me into his chest so we're back to cuddling again. And throughout the rest of the movie  he continues to rub his hand around my back to keep me calm. After the movie finished we both decided it was time to sleep. I had the best sleep of my life wrapped comfortably in his arms.

I woke up first the next morning, still warm and feeling secure in his arms. I just wish I could stay in bed today and not go to school. I'm dreading the day ahead. I decided to start getting ready. I had a long relaxing shower and put my school uniform on. I was straightening my hair when Dean started to stir. I could see in the mirror that he was reaching out for me expecting me to be there. It's when I wasn't there that he fully woke up looking around for me. He saw me in the mirror and smiled. "Morning gorgeous, how'd you sleep?" He asked. "Yeah I slept well thanks, I thought you were never going to wake up." He laughed a little before getting out of bed and stretching. He gave me a hug after I finished my hair and I left him to shower while I finished getting ready. It didn't take much longer before we were both in the kitchen eating breakfast. I made us both some pancakes. We are quickly ate and then we were on our way to school.

Dean held my hand as he drove us to school. I still can't believe how close we have become in such a short amount of time. Schools technically one for the year so why do they have to make us go back there at the end of every year for a mini awards ceremony. It's always the same people that end up getting an award anyway. At least we don't have to wear our uniforms so maybe if we sneak in I can sit in the back next to Dean away from all the potential suspects. I think Dean could tell I was becoming anxious as he starts rubbing soothing circles onto the inside my palm. It shocks me out of my thoughts and I send him a smile to let him know I'm okay.

We came in the gym and greeted both of our friends (receiving questioning looks from them as to how we became friends all of a sudden). "Dean can we sit away from people, I don't want to be anywhere near the person that drugged me!" He gets a concerned look on his face before looking around at the remaining seats meant for the family and friends. He finds us a seat 3 rows from the back which was perfect for me. In the end I pretty much zoned out through most of the ceremony, I was too caught up in my thoughts. Until all of a sudden the whole gym was looking around for someone. Dean who I know noticed was trying to get my attention for a while was shooting me an ecstatic look of joy. "Princess you won an award for best overall achiever in our year so get up there!" Wow I may be a "nerd" but I've never done well enough to get an award at this ceremony. I nervously stand out of my seat before making my way up towards the stage. I collect my award and pose for my picture with the principal with the loudest cheering coming from the back section of the gym. I didn't even have to look to know who it was coming from. I smiled and couldn't help but blush as I looked out into the audience at him. I went back and took my seat and held his hand throughout the rest of the ceremony. At the end of the ceremony I decided I needed the bathroom "Dean I'll be right back just heading towards the bathrooms. I'll meet you with both of our friends after?" He looked hesitant to let me go alone "Dean I'll be fine we're in a school after all - loads of cameras." He sighed before nodding his head and agreeing.

I was humming to myself as I made the short trip to the bathroom in the hallway. I stopped humming when I heard someone walking behind me but I just kept walking thinking I was being paranoid. I was just about to head Into the bathroom when someone grabs my arm. The person pushes me into the bathroom with my arm still in his right grip and he proceeds to lock the door. It's not till he turns around that I recognise him. It's the bartender from the party. I can't place his name right now as the events of that night are still a bit foggy. But he's the senior I was worried about and he's sending me a predator like smile. "Hey Darling, we didn't get to finish our chat the other night before you disappeared." I just try to pull my arm out of his grip with all of my strength. I really wish Dean was here to save me. But he's too busy with our friends and I can't blame him I told him I would be fine. Creepy bartender starts walking me backwards till I'm leaning against the brick wall. "Hey dude what do you waaaant from me?" Is all I could get out of my quivering mouth while tears start to well up in my eyes. "Just a little fun Darling." The word fun scares the life out of me as I know what he really means. I start crying hysterically and shouting hoping someone would hear me "No, no get the hell away from me!" But he doesn't listen and instead slides the few centimetres closer to me and starts kissing up the side of my neck. I could feel his arousal already and it just made me feel sick. Please God if I in any way deserve saving this is the moment. I was frozen in fear and he was starting to take all of my clothes off while continuing to kiss my neck and play with my boobs. He just started taking his pants off when there was a knock on the door "Princess you okay in there?" Thank God it was Dean! I couldn't get a scream out over the hand covering my mouth but my body unfroze enough to knee my would be rapist in the balls when he shouted "you stupid slut" and slapped me across the face before bending over and holding his privates. Then I heard a banging one the door. "Don't worry princess I'm coming." I heard between pants. I was holding my cheek and crying on the floor when Dean broke in. The guy has just moved off the floor and was coming towards me no doubt to finish what he started but Dean charged towards him. And I just stayed here, crying in the corner of a bathroom wondering how my life got to this point. Hey

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2019 ⏰

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