As Clumsy as a Newborn Giraffe

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Why do I always end up embarrassing myself all the time? First it started off with the door thing this morning with the new boy. And ever since that encounter I have not been myself, been in a slight haze which has just made my clumsiness even worse! I have almost fallen over at least twenty times and I was so close to running into a pole on the walk to this class. If my friend Jane hadn't pulled me out of the way I would've been a goner. Right now I am sitting next to Jane in History class daydreaming. It's too close to lunch now to be paying any sort of attention, all I can think about is getting out do this classroom. It's the last day of school and it's almost the end of the day. It's not like they teach us anything important anyway since there is barely anyone that actually turns up on the last day of school. I'm surprised that new boy even turned up. Man there I go again, my thoughts keep slipping to him all day, we only had one small encounter and I can't help but to blush every time I think about it. I guess since I have never had a boyfriend I am not used to receiving any sort of attention from boys. Most of them stay away from me anyway, I have a feeling that Liam scares any off that show any sort of interest. We may not be the closest but we are fiercely protective of each other when it comes down to it. We are twins after all!

I am snapped out of my thoughts by this obnoxious bell. And an elbow to the stomachs finally brings me back to the real world. I zone into reality to see Jane staring at me and the rest of the class rushing out of the room as if it were on fire. "Well are you coming to lunch or are you going to continue daydreaming?" Jane asks me. "Sorry come on, let's head to lunch!" I reply. Jane and I are last to leave the room and we follow the crowd towards the lunchroom.

Since we were so late to leave the classroom Hope, Andy and Ryder were already sitting at a lunch table eating. Jane and I drop our bags off at the table and continue talking about my lack of focus and the days events. "I don't know Jane, I have just found it hard to focus." Jane looked at me for a few moments before saying "Maybe it has something to do with the new boy and your encounter this morning." I start walking backwards in front of her so that she can see my expression. I start to vehemently shake my head at her "You're crazy, just cause I had an attractive guy talk to me for once does not mean I will go all bonkers." Just as I finish saying this I feel myself slip and start to fall backwards. I fall into another person and I feel our limbs intertwine as we land very heavily on the floor. I feel my head hit something very hard, it hurts a lot as I try to sit up. I push against what I later figure out is a male chest to be able to sit up. I feel a vibration under my hand. I look down to my hand to see it's wresting on a male chest. I look up to see who I was embarrassing myself in front of.

Of course it had to be Dean.

He looks up at me with his tantalisingly intense deep blue eyes. They stare into my shiny emerald green eyes and we both maintain eye contract for what felt like a lifetime. Until Jane ruined the moment. "Lee are you okay?" I had to blink a couple of times before I came back to the world around me. I turned to her and exclaimed "Yes, I think I'm okay. Maybe a tad bit of a headache but I'm fine." I hear a cough come from behind me; "not that I am not loving this position with you on top of me but you're kind of close to crushing a vital organ of mine." I look down at where the rest of my body is positioned and my knee is so close to being in a very inappropriate position. I blush bright red once I realise what has occurred. This could only happen to me. I untangle my limbs from his as quickly as possible but kind of get caught up admiring his muscles. He must catch me looking because I hear his husky chuckle before he says "kitten are you done checking me out?" I blush even harder going deep red and stammer a response "Ah I wasn't, umm, checking you out." We both knew it was a pitiful attempt but I couldn't very well admit that I was just plain as day checking out the Greek Adonis in front of me. After I sit up he is quick to jump up and offer his hand out to me to help me off the floor. "I'm sorry for falling on you", I mutter quietly not knowing how to talk to someone like him. "Don't worry about it love, but next time you want to get close to me you can just ask." I huff and roll my eyes, "I was walking backwards, I didn't know I was going to run into you." He stares at me for a moment before bluntly saying "well maybe someone as clumsy as a newborn giraffe shouldn't be walking backwards." I was getting angry, I growled under my breathe, stomped my foot and said "well you could always watch where you're going too Mr bad boy and not be so conceited all of the time" before walking away and approaching my original destination.

All this trouble just to get to the lunch line.  

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