Feisty Little Kitten

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Story continues:
I went the rest of the day without having anymore run ins with Dean. So at this point I'm more relaxed then I was after the verbal battle I was a part of at lunchtime. The worst part about the confrontation was the grilling I received off of Hope. She wouldn't believe me when I told her that there was nothing going on between me and the 'hot new bad boy' as Hope now labels him. Ryder and Andy just warned me to stay away from him because he looked like bad news. I know they're just looking out for me but I don't know what part of that encounter made them think I had anything to do with him on purpose, it was clearly an accidental encounter. Oh well, I am not going to let him ruin anymore of my day.

There is a party tonight at some random seniors house to celebrate the end of the year. My friends are making me go. I really just want to go home and curl up in my bed watching Netflix. But I weighed up the pros and cons of another argument with Hope and suffering an hour at a party before I sneak off home seemed like a better option.

I arrived home to see Hope and Jane waiting for me. Their intentions were clear. They're going to force me to wear another inappropriate dress that I would never wear unless coerced. I know from experience that I have to pick my battles when it comes to these two and going out. As I approached them they just gave me bright smiles and motioned towards the house. I begrudgingly walked into the house and up the stairs to my bedroom that I had left in a mess that morning, with clothes all over the floor and my bed unmade. But I didn't care, Hope and Jane had seen my room in way worse conditions then this. As they walked in with drinks and snacks I knew what was coming so I announced to them "let the torture begin."

They just rolled their eyes and turned my radio on before getting to work. Hope grunted at seeing the state of my clothes all over the floor. Asking me "how am I supposed to find a stunning outfit for you to wear tonight when your room is in this state?" I just glared at her for a minute stating "considering I just want to watch Netflix and sleep you're lucky I am not putting up more of a fight. So just find a ridiculous outfit so we can get this over and done with." Jane who had been dancing around to the music turned the volume down and gave me a look. "Come on Lee (her nickname for me) we're approaching our senior year, we just want to have some good memories with our friend, whats the harm in that?" Damn how come she always knew how to convince me to go along with their plans. "Oh alright I'll go to the stupid party but only because I love you two. But I have two conditions I am not wearing heels and I don't want to be left alone at the party." They both agree to my terms quickly and Jane starts doing my hair while Hope continues looking through my clothes.

It takes them a good hour before they're happy with how they made me look. I stare in the mirror and have to admit that I do look beautiful. My hair is done in elegant curls with it pinned in the perfect way. My makeup is mostly natural, just with a little foundation, mascara and light pink lipstick. Just how I like it, simple but enough to make a difference. They had me in a gorgeous little black dress, it was tight around my bust area but flared out more the further down it went ending just above my knee. All in all even I had to admit I looked good. My best friends though they looked incredible. Jane had straightened her hair and had it flowing all the way down her back, with a gorgeous yellow dress that made her hair shine and elegant looking makeup with foundation, mascara, gold eye shadow and red lipstick. Hope on the other hand had curled her hair into perfect waves and was wearing a dark blue dress that was tight and went to just past her mid thigh, it was a little short for my taste but admittedly made her look stunning. She only enhanced her look by adding foundation, dark blue eye shadow, mascara and bright pink lipstick. When we were all ready we took a few photos for instagram and snapchat before heading off to the party.

In the short car ride to the party hope asked me if I thought the 'hot new bad boy' was going to be there. Why she thought I would have any idea I do not know. I told her the truth, "I have no idea if he will be there or not but if he does show up I wanna stay as far away from him as possible." The conversation got lighter from there just talking about summer plans and things we wanted to do together over the break. It wasn't long before we pulled up to the party. There was the usual scene in front of me as we walked over to the house. Drunk teenagers kissing, vomiting into the bushes and there was still a large crowd approaching the house to enter the party. It was a short wait before we were able to enter the house and the first thing the girls did was drag me towards the kitchen to get a drink. "Hope I only want a coke or water" I was quick to say. "Okay miss goody two shoes but keep in mind it wouldn't help to lighten up at one party." I rolled my eyes at her before grabbing the coke that she passed towards me. Jane grabbed a drink and then said "alright guys if we're at a party I want to go dance with my two best friends." Once again I was dragged but towards the dance floor this time. The girls and I started dancing, swaying our hips to the beat of the music and if we knew the song we would sing along. This is when I have the most fun when it's me and my best friends. The boys soon found us in the party and after the usual greetings took place before I asked the others if they wanted a drink. "Guys I'm so thirsty do any of you what a drink?" They all said no. "Okay guys I'm gunna go and get a drink be right back." They all agreed so I spun around and quickly walked towards the kitchen.

The kitchen was full of people as I approached it. I squeezed through the crowd of people and saw one of the seniors, I think his name is Jordan serving people their drink requests. There's always one guy that gets drunk enough to think that he can be a bartender for a night. "Jordan do you mind grabbing me a coke?" He looks in my direction before looking at me up and down. I'm not sure if he was trying to figure out who I am or if he was checking me out. "Sure pretty lady, I'll get right on that for you." A girl then knocked into me spilling her drink all over me. Jordan saw this happen and laughs hysterically for a good two minutes before asking if I'm okay. "Yeah fine, I'll be back in five for that coke after I clean up a bit." I rush to the bathroom where of course there is a line up. After waiting for a good fifteen minutes I finally get into the bathroom to clean up. There was no damage done except that my dress seemed to become even tighter if that was even possible. I sigh and use the water from the tap to wash as much of the alcohol off as I could. I walk out of the bathroom door when the person rushing in after me knocks me out of the way and into someone. Just to go with my luck today it's none other then the hot new bad boy, Dean. "Woah there kitten, you don't need to run into me every time just for an excuse to say hello." Gosh why does he always have to be so annoying. "Alright mr bad boy no need to get an even bigger head or you won't be able to fit through the door." He gave me a Cheshire Cat like grin before chuckling deeply and I hate to admit it in a sexy way. "Feisty little kitten I will always win in this game", and then he winked at me. I rolled my eyes at him before saying "when will you get it into your thick skull, I don't like you and I never will." Then I turned around and walked off back to the kitchen. As I approached him Jordan smiled, "Here's your drink pretty lady." I smiled at him before skulling the whole contents. I asked for another drink and took that one with me onto the dance floor.

That was the last clear memory I have of that night... everything else was just fuzzy and I became the teenage cliche. Waking up in a strange bed, in a house I didn't recognise. Next to a half naked boy... the hot new bad boy... Dean.

What have I gotten myself into?

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