Prologue: Geir.

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[December 21, 2013]

The Battle of Amity Park Community College was taking place. Danny Phantom was leading Team Phantom and his army, which consist of Danny's enemies and allies, against an evil Asgardian draugr name Gunne and his large army of Asgardian draugrs, all which are under his control. Team Phantom had rescued Danny's girlfriend Sam Manson right before the two factions clashed with each other. One member of Team Phantom, who is the second-in-command, is fighting against Gunne's right hand man. She is a Halfa like Danny and she is known as Dani Phantom, the young female clone and genetically twin of Danny, and now Danny's little sister after his parents adopted her after the Dis-asteriod Incident two years ago. 15 years old biologically, but actually 3 years old, Dani, or Danielle, has grown, but still maintains the same biological similarities to Danny: her skin, eyes, hair and her ponytail, both grown longer, in both human and ghost form and are the same colors as Danny's, but she now has a the features of a young woman, mainly her figure that would make boys her age swoon. Her outfit is the same. She wears a matching shirt-and-pants. The right side of her shirt is inverted, her right arm is white and her right glove is black while her left arm is black and her glove is white. She has streaks of white on the sides of her pants, and wears white shoes, however, her midriff is covered and now has a white belt, making it a one-piece suit like Danny's. She also has a more feminine version of the DP logo. It's similar to Danny's, but it includes a sideways heart. Anyway, Dani was engaged in combat against Gunne's right hand man. The draugr knocked Dani to the ground.

"Give up, She-Phantom. You can't possibly win." the draugr said.

"Like Danny's childhood idol Captain America says, I can do all day." Dani said before blasting her foe back to the ship.

Dani then flew towards the draugr before he gets a grip on her fist. The two exchanged punches and blows before the draugr sends a powerful blue ghost ray to Dani, making her fall to the ground. The draugr then blows a hole on the ship.

"Foolish ghost girl, you and your friends may have ruin Gunne's plans, but that doesn't mean I can't finished what he started." the draugr said before he flies off and escapes, leaving Gunne and his army to fight on their own.

"Dang it." Dani said.


[January 1, 2014]

It's been 11 days since the Battle of Amity Park Community College and now the new year of 2014. In the Mojave Desert near the outskirts of Las Vegas, a man was walking through the middle of the desert, but this man is not human. He is a ghost, and a special kind of ghost. The ghost had gray skin, a good muscle built and was wearing protective armor, including a chestplate with a high neck guard or collar, shoulder guards, gauntlets, boots, and other armor plating including a distinctive, ornate helmet. His armor is also complemented by a fabric cape. This ghost is actually the deceased Einherjar Asgardian warrior that escaped from Amity Park and Gunne's right hand man. Minutes later, the draugr arrived at the outskirts and spots a group of high schoolers, apparently A-Listers in this area, at a local station. The draugr approached the group and grabs a water bottle from one teenage boy and drinks the water. The teenager think that they're seeing a man in a costume and not a ghost.

"Are you okay, sir?" a popular high school girl asked.

"No. I'm parched and weary in this human world." the draugr said in a dark voice. "Is all of Midgard so desolate? I don't remember being like this last time?"

"Midgard? We have no idea where that is." a popular high school boy asked.

"This is Las Vegas, and we rule here." another popular teenage girl said.

"I see. So you all are superior to your peers?" the draugr asked.

"Yeah. Anyone that crosses our path gets it. Anyone talks to the losers will be treated like one and become a outcast." the teenage boy, who is the lead jock, replied.

"I see. You all have power and bring fear to your peers. I admire that in young people like all of you." the draugr said before he uses his Asgardian ghost powers from his hand and swings it to release red-ecto energy to the high schoolers, making their eyes turn pupiless red for a moment before returning to normal. "I am going to need your help if I am to remain free and help my master on his backup plan."

Moments later, the popular teens were in their car, driving towards Las Vegas, with the draugr in the front passenger seat.

"We will help with your mission." the popular teen girl name Rebecca said.

"Yeah, and we will make sure no one gets in your way." the lead jock name Levi said.

"And no loser or outcast will get in our way." another jock name Eduardo said.

"But we don't even know your name, sir." the last popular girl name Sarah said.

"It's Geir. My name is Geir." Geir replied as his eyes flashes a deadly red and has an evil grin on his face.

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