Chapter 5: Distraction.

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Geir has arrived at Los Angeles, California after escaping from Dani and Coulson's Team at Las Vegas. He arrived at the famous Beverly Hills district, in front of the famous Beverly Hills High School. Geir noticed the students there, either heading to class or hanging out.

"Time to for an distraction." Geir said as he shoots red energy at the school.


Meanwhile, at the Bus, Dani was prepping some of the Fenton weapons when May came in the room with a smile on her face, seeing Dani prepping.

"May I?" May said.

Dani hands May one of the Fenton anti-ghost guns. May surveys it as if she was surveying a normal handgun. She then twirls it, making Dani chuckle.

"You seem to have worth of experience with weapons." Dani said.

"Lots of experience, but I prefer to use my hands." May said as she hands the ecto gun back to Dani.

"Girl power." Dani said.

"You said it." May said.

"But, I have to warn you, Geir is quite skilled in combat. Trust me, I know." Dani said.

"Then why use people that are your age? Why have them fight for him?" May asked.

"Well, Halvar told me that he believes people that are my age shouldn't respect authority." Dani said.

"Security cameras just got a sight of him." Coulson said as he walked in the room. "If Geir wants a army of wealthy and A-List teenagers, I think he may hit the jackpot."

"Where is he now?" Dani asked.

"Los Angeles. Beverly Hills High School." Coulson replied.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's move." Dani said.


One hour later, Dani and Coulson's Team has arrived at the famous Beverly Hills High School. All the agents survey the whole school, where all the hallways and classrooms are deserted and empty.

"East wing of the school is clear." May said.

"West wing is clear." Ward said.

Meanwhile, Dani was looking over the footage of the cameras. She sees Geir releasing some energy, which mind control the students down before he faced the camera.

"A message She-Phantom. You might wanna start saving more of these foolish mortals." Geir said through the monitor before he disappears.

Meanwhile, Geir has many high school students from all over Los Angeles under his control. The student then starts a riot in downtown. The students were rioting at banks, and military installations. Dani and Coulson's Team arrived at the scene.

"I don't need an army to take them on. Besides, I got you guys." Dani said. "Also, I don't have enough Blood Blossom gas for all of them. You guys have an alternative?"

"We can use the Night-Night Guns. They're use to tranquilized enemies or people being controlled." Coulson replied.

"Good. We can get them detained once they're tranquilized. Try not to hurt them. They have no idea what they're doing." Dani said as she charges towards the riot.

Coulson, Ward and May started firing their Night-Night Guns, tranquilizing some teens, while Dani combats some of them who tried to attack her. One boy tried to shoot her, but Dani grabs the gun's barrel and yanked it away before elbowing him to the face before kicking him back to the ground. A group of teens tried to shoot her, but she goes intangible as the bullets pass harmlessly through her. Dani then use her telekinesis powers to yank the guns out before using her powers against the teens, which she use to get them tied up to a lightpole with a piece of rope. After a 10 minute fight, all of the teens under Geir's control has been tranquilized and detained.

"Did you find Geir?" Coulson asked.

"That's odd, I haven't seen Geir anywhere." Dani said.


Meanwhile, Geir has arrived at the Bus undetected since Skye, Fitz and Simmons are too busy surveying the battle at Los Angeles. He's in the plane's cockpit. Now knowing that he will not complete Gunne's back plan, he must now prepare to stop Dani at all costs.

"Let's see if you can save your friends, She-Phantom." Geir said as he releases ecto energy at the plane's instruments, compromising it.

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