Chapter 4: Rescuing the High Schoolers.

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Dani, Coulson's Team, and a S.H.I.E.L.D. convoy arrives at the casino at Las Vegas, where Geir and his army of mind controlled high schoolers are believed to be hiding at. They surround the building while coming up with a plan. Dani goes invisible to scout the building on how many opponents, hostages and where Geir is at, before heading back to Coulson.

"Okay, we got a whole school, one hostage, and Geir is located at the main office with 4 people." Dani said.

"Okay. Now, what do these guns do?" Coulson asked.

"You know those tear gas guns that the police use against riots?" Dani asked.

"Yes." Coulson replied.

"These Fenton rifles fires a gas that contains the anti-ghost repellent from the Blood Blossom. This should be able to get these people out of Geir's control." Dani replied.

"Okay, we'll deal with the kids while you deal with Geir." Coulson said.

Before anyone can take action, a group of teenagers barged out of the doors and started firing their weapons at the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

"Let me deal with them. You start firing the gas once I'm out of sight! Make the job easy!" Dani said before flying towards the attackers.

One of the teens trying to point his gun at Dani, but she made the gun intangible before throwing it away. She then grabbed his arm and flipping him over before knocking him out. She then grabbed another boy by the shoulder and threw him, making his face ram into a support beam. Dani then took on a popular girl, who tried to strike her with a pool stick. The two then went into martial arts combat until Dani overpowered her before the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents starts firing the Blood Blossom gas. As soon as everyone got inside, it erupted into chaos and gunfire, which got the attention of Geir, Levi, Rebecca, Eduardo and Sarah.

"What's going on out there?" Geir demanded.

Levi checks see what's going on and sees the battle between Geir's army and S.H.I.E.L.D..

"Well, looks like we've caught the attention of the law." Levi said.

"You said you got this handled." Geir said.

"I don't know. These people are firing some red gas and our peers are knocked out." Levi said.

"No, no, no!" Geir said barging out of the office's doors to see the battle himself.

Geir then flew over and attack some of the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Meanwhile, May and Ward were working together on firing the gas at some teens that were firing at them.

"It's not easy when someone is firing at you and you can't fight back." May said.

"Don't worry. The gas will get them out of Geir's control. So at least we don't have to fight a large group of kids." Ward said before firing another round of the gas.

Meanwhile, Skye was hiding behind a slot machine as she is taking cover from gunfire.

"I could use some backup here." Skye said.

Suddenly, the gunfire cease. Confused, Skye looks to see that the teens have been knocked unconscious by Dani.

"Thanks, Dani." Skye said.

"No problem, Skye." Dani said before flying off.

Meanwhile, Geir has just finished off some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents when he noticed Coulson.

"What mortal trickery is this? I heard that you were perished at the hands of Odin's foolish child, Loki." Geir spatted. "Doesn't matter. I don't know where you and your friends got those anti-draugr weapons, but it will lead to your wrong doing."

"Apparently, S.H.I.E.L.D. had their own tricks. And there's no way you will succeed. After all, you and Gunne did underestimate Danny." Coulson said.

"Please, Phantom got lucky. Once I succeed and my master takes over, you, your friends, and Phantom will be begging to die. Phantom should never underestimate me." Geir said.

"Maybe, but you have seem to underestimate another person." Coulson said with a grin, which confused Geir.

At that moment, Geir got blasted towards a nearby wall by a green ecto-energy ray. Geir looks up to see Dani Phantom standing her ground.

"Did you miss me?" Dani taught.

"YOU?!" Geir yelled in anger.

Geir then flew towards Dani and tried to punch her, but Dani ducked and punched Geir in the face. Dani tried to punch him again, but Geir gets a grip on Dani's hand. Dani groans in pain before firing another ghost ray.

"Give up, Geir. I see that your plan will not do you any good. There's no way you can escape from me, and manipulating these students to do your dirty work will gain you or Gunne nothing." Dani said.

"And I see you're still a step or two behind. You never seem to give up, do you, She-Phantom?" Geir said.

"You know how this is gonna end, Geir. Get in the thermos and no one gets hurt." Dani said, making Geir chuckled.

"You think I fear you, ghost girl? Such confidence in you." Geir said before looking at the brainwashed Levi, Rebecca, Eduardo and Sarah. "Tear her apart."

Suddenly, Eduardo tried to punch Dani, but she managed to grab his arm and flipped him over. Rebecca tried to strike, but Dani grabbed her shoulder and threw her over a table. Sarah also tried to punch Dani, but she loses her balance when Dani went intangible. Dani then tried to point the Fenton Thermos at Geir when Levi punched her in the face, making her fall onto the thermos, breaking it. Levi then grabbed a office chair and tried to strike Dani, but she went intangible. Dani repeated until she kicked the chair away before throwing Levi through a table, before she was able to knock all four A-Listers unconscious. Suddenly, Geir ram Dani from behind, sending her crashing through a glass window before plunging to the first floor. Geir landed on the floor a few seconds later.

"You just don't know when to give up, do you?!" Geir spatted.

Geir then kicked Dani really hard that she crashed through a table. Geir then grabbed Dani by the throat and threw her, making her crashed through several expensive slot machines. Dani got back up and tried to charged at Geir, but he use his telekinesis powers against her, and he threw her again towards Coulson and his team. Geir then trapped Dani, Coulson, May, Ward, and Skye in an Ecto-Tornado Cage. The five tried to escape, but it was pointless, which Geir laughed.

"Better luck next time, fools." Geir said before he teleported himself and escaped, before the tornado disappeared.


Dani and Coulson's Team were at a nearby hospital, where Coulson's Team and parents were checking on the now free students, and Dani, who has suffered some injuries after that beating Geir gave her.

"You sure you're gonna be okay, Danielle?" Coulson asked.

"I'll be okay. Danny and I have been through worse. Not to mention these injuries will be healed in probably a few minutes. One of the advantages of having ghost powers, enhanced healing." Dani replied. "Geir is worst than I thought. And... darn it, I almost had him."

"Don't worry, Dani. We'll catch him." Coulson said.

"How? The Fenton Thermos broke during the fight." Dani said holding the thermos.

Coulson then grabbed the thermos before saying...

"Let me deal with that." Coulson said.

"You really think we can catch him? I mean, this is your first ghost fight. I don't want you or your team to get hurt. But I don't want to let Danny down either." Dani said.

"Dani. I have confidence in you. If Danny can battle some powerful evil ghosts alone, then you can too." Coulson said, which Dani smiled.

"Thanks, Agent Coulson." Dani said. "We should probably talk to those high schoolers. Maybe they have clues when they were brainwashed."

Dani and Coulson then goes to talk to the kids, to see if they have any clues. After getting some hints on where Geir might strike next, Coulson orders May, Skye and Ward to track Geir's location while he also orders Fitz and Simmons to fix the Fenton Thermos.

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