Chapter 2: Danielle's Briefing.

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Agents May, Ward and Fitz has arrived back at the Bus with Danielle Fenton, now in her human form. Ward and Fitz guides Dani to Fitz and Simmon's lab as Coulson and May looks on from the second floor.

"She's a clone of Danny, and the third Halfa in existence. I saw her in Antarctica with the other ghosts and Danny. Use her energy to turn the Earth intangible to preventing the Dis-asteriod from hitting Earth. I also saw her revealed herself in front of what is now her real parents. It was pretty badass." Coulson said. "Not to mention I met the girl once Danny became part of the Avengers Initiative. Shame she didn't get equal credit to saving the Earth along with Danny."

"She says she has new orders from Danny, train .S.H.I.E.L.D. to ghost hunt and capture a powerful ghost. You up for this?" May asked.

"I'm fine. This could help us learn more about ghosts and fight them." Coulson replied before heading down the stairs.

Coulson and May enters the lab. When Dani turned around to face the agents, she went wide-eyed upon seeing Phil Coulson.

"Agent Coulson? What the heck? Danny said you were killed by Loki." Dani said.

Dani couldn't believe that Phil Coulson is standing right in front of her. She had thought that Coulson was killed, from what Danny had told her and Team Phantom shortly after the Battle of New York. During the Attack om the Helicarrier, Coulson was killed by the rogued Asgardian Loki. His death gave Danny and the other Avengers the push they needed to band together and stop the Chitauri invasion. On the orders of Director Fury, Coulson was brought to the Guest House, a secret facility where he was brought back to life using treatments developed by a secret project called Project T.A.H.I.T.I..

"And he was right... For a while, anyway. But Loki wasn't the only one with some tricks up his sleeve. Turns out S.H.I.E.L.D. had a few of their own." Coulson replied.

"Danny will be very happy to hear that. He considers you a friend. And so have I. I'm glad you're alive, Coulson." Dani said.

"I feel the same, which is why I'd prefer he hear it from me, if that's okay." Coulson said.

"That's understandable." Dani said.

"I understand you're on a ghost hunt, from what Team Phantom had told S.H.I.E.L.D.." Coulson said.

"Right." Dani said before heading towards the nearby holotable and screen where Ward, May, Fitz, Simmons and Skye were gathered at. "You all have hear about the battle at Amity Park Community College. Yes, Danny has managed to captured the Asgardian ghost Gunne, but now we have another problem. During the battle, I was battling one particular ghost, or draugr as they call themselves. He is Gunne's right hand man, and he escaped during the battle. His name is Geir. He's a very powerful ghost." Dani explained.

"How powerful are we talking about?" Ward asked.

"From what I've heard so far, mind control and sorcery. Asgardian ghosts have the same powers as the ghosts we commonly fight, but they are more powerful and their powers act differently than the ones here. Now, Danny is equal to that." Dani said.

"You know what he's up to?" Coulson said.

"I don't know, probably doing Gunne's back up plan, but he has mind control young people, particular the youth, high schoolers, like myself as a example, for his purpose." Dani said.

"That probably explains the reports of missing high schoolers in Las Vegas." Skye said.

"So Geir is there then? Great, he starting." Dani said.

"What does Geir needs them for?" Coulson asked.

"Youth, like myself since I do attend Casper High, have a weakness. Unfortunately, he can't get me due my ghost abilities. That's what Halvar, Ragnar and Grabacr told me. Anyway, his mind control powers are so powerful it's impossible for any Fenton tech to get anyone out of his control." Dani said.

"So how do we free them and stop him?" Coulson asked.

Dani then goes through her backpack before pulling out a paper bag and thermoses.

"In order to get these kids out of Geir's control, you have to use these." Dani said holding a flower. "This is the Blood Blossom. It maybe an ordinary flower, but it's actually a anti-ghost repellent, but it can also be use to get people out of a ghosts' control. In order to capture Geir, you have to use this." Dani said as she holds seven thermoses. "This is the Fenton Thermos. It's use to catch ghosts, or half-ghosts, if they're in ghost form." Dani said as she each hands all agents a Fenton Thermos.

"How does it work? I've heard about it in the reports, but never seen it in action." Fitz asked.

"It shoots a blue beam. No ghost, no matter how strong, can't escape. It needs to be charged with ectoplasmic energy in order to work." Dani said. "Now until we can find Geir, Danny has also gave me new orders. I am going to train you how to hunt and fight ghosts. It's time for S.H.I.E.L.D. to put their ghost fighting skills to the test. Hopefully, you guys can do better than the Guys in White, who can't even capture a ghost, from what Danny had told me."

"All right, while we start our ghost fighting training, let's start looking for unusual activity within a few-hundred-mile radius around Las Vegas. Any ghost sights, paranormal activity. If this ghost wants to continue Gunne's backup plan, then he's gonna be hard to stop." Coulson said.

"All right, time to start your training." Dani said as she transform into her ghost self.

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