Chapter 1: Arrival of Dani Phantom.

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Geir, and Las Vegas' local A-Listers Levi, Rebecca, Eduardo and Sarah arrived at their school, which is near downtown. Rebecca parked her car at the front of the entrance.

"I'll go get some of my friends to introduced you. We'll be right back." Rebecca said as she and her friends leave Geir alone.

Geir then see some boys, who appear to wear the same jackets like Levi and Eduardo, picking on a defenseless nerd. Geir approached them.

"I see you all bring fear to these type of peers. Impressive." Geir said.

"Gotta make sure that we're at the top of the school chain." one jock said.

"I spoke to four of your friends today. I could use some people like you. Get more power, more fear." Geir said.

"You don't like losers?" another jock asked.

"Let's just say, I don't like those that gets in my way." Geir replied.

"Well, I wish I can help, but unfortunately, have to enter this educational prison." the first jock said.

"I see." Geir said as before he uses his Asgardian ghost powers from his hand and swings it to release red-ecto energy to the high schoolers, making their eyes turn pupiless red for a moment before returning to normal. "You and your peers now serve me to help my master on his backup plan. As a matter of fact, you all will now serve me." Geir said as he once again use his Asgardian ghost powers to hypnotized the whole school and all students came to him and bow to him. "Soon, this planet will fall and Gunne will rule. Now, we must get more young people like you." Geir said with a grin.


Inside a airplane called the Bus, which is a modified Boeing C-17 Globemaster III, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson and his team were doing usual business, as well as getting some intel on any bases that involves the Centipede Project and a person known as the Clairvoyant until Agent Melinda May called everyone for a briefing.

"We have new orders. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s detecting massive ectoplasmic energy readings in the Las Vegas area. We're also getting reports of high schoolers in that city reported missing and high schools empty." May said. Agent Melinda May is a serious and well known S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. She works as a Level 7 and Red S.H.I.E.L.D. operative, nicknamed 'The Cavalry'. A veteran pilot and soldier with years of experience and a good friend of Agent Phil Coulson.

"Where's Agent Coulson?" Agent Grant Ward asked. Grant Ward is also a level 7 S.H.I.E.L.D. operative with a dark past.

"Taking some personal time." May replied.

"These are the same readings back in Amity Park, especially after that incident at Amity Park Community College. We believe that these readings belong to the Asgardian ghost that escaped from Amity Park when Team Phantom was dealing with the Gunne Incident. Team Phantom and S.H.I.E.L.D. has been trying to track down this ghost in the past 11 days." Agent Jemma Simmons said with a British accent. Jemma Simmons is an English-born S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and scientist. A genius biochemist, she is one of the youngest and most prominent members of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s research division, along with her friend and partner, Leo Fitz.

"Team Phantom had contacted S.H.I.E.L.D. and said that they're gonna send in their second-in-command to help us out, as well as train us to hunt and fight ghosts. Either way, S.H.I.E.L.D. wants us to help her out and be the welcome wagon because Team Phantom told that we are to meet her near the city." May said.

"Okay. No cause for concern. I mean, ghost could be allies, like Danny's ghost allies." Agent Leo Fitz said with a British accent. Leo Fitz is a Scottish-born S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and scientist. A genius engineer, he is one of the youngest and most prominent members of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Sci-Tech division, and inseparable from his research partner and best friend, Jemma Simmons.

"Pariah Dark wasn't, as well as Danny's enemies, even if they helped him saved the world from the Dis-asteriod 3 years ago." Ward said.

"They only become temporarily allies in case of serious threats, like what happen to Amity Park recently." Skye said. Skye is a genius-level hacker and a new S.H.I.E.L.D. operative. She was recruited by Coulson and trained by Ward when she was a member of a group called the Rising Tide.

"All right, let's get ready." May ordered.

A few minutes later, May, Ward and Fitz were in their SUVs heading towards Las Vegas, which is only 5 miles away. Fitz, is using his tablet to track for any ectoplasmic signatures.

"Fitz?" Ward asked.

"Not detecting any ecto signatures at the moment. This is still a science we don't completely understand, only the Fentons do. S.H.I.E.L.D. is still learning about ghosts and the paranormal." Fitz replied.

"Well, at least the Fentons gave us some information." Ward said before turning his attention to May. "So, what's up with Coulson?"

"I don't know. All I know is that it's personal to him." May said.

"Whoa, I'm getting one ecto signature and closing in fast. And it's a strong one too." Fitz said suddenly.

"How close are we talking about?" May asked.

Before Fitz can answered, a black and white figure suddenly landed on the road, in front of the S.H.I.E.L.D. vehicles, causing them to stop suddenly and the agents to get out and draw their weapons. The figure is a young girl who looks to be 15 years old and looks like Danny Phantom: her skin, eyes, hair, but she has a long ponytail, and a figure. She is also wearing a black and white jumpsuit like outfit in which right side of her shirt is inverted, her right arm is white and her right glove is black while her left arm is black and her glove is white. She has streaks of white on the sides of her pants, and wears white shoes, and has a white belt, making it a one-piece suit. She also has a more feminine version of the DP logo. It's similar to Danny's, but it includes a sideways heart. May, Ward and Fitz recognized her as Danielle Fenton, who is better known as Dani Phantom, the sister/clone of Danny Fenton, aka Danny Phantom, and she, along with Danny, are also known as the Phantom Twins and leaders of Team Phantom. Dani was looking at the armed agents in front of her when she recognized the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on one of the SUV's doors.

"That's Dani Phantom, Danny's little twin sister. The two are known as the Phantom Twins and are the leaders of Team Phantom." Ward said.

"Stand down. She's a friendly." May ordered.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.?" Dani asked.

"Yes." Ward replied.

"I am Dani Phantom, of Team Phantom. We have a serious ghost problem on our hands." Dani said.

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