Chapter 6: Battle for the Bus.

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Dani, Coulson, May and Ward arrived back at the Bus after battling more mind-controlled students at Los Angeles. Dani is not happy since Geir made the battle a distraction, not to mention she needs the Fenton Thermos fixed.

"This is all a distraction. Geir is playing with us." Dani said.

"We'll find him. S.H.I.E.L.D., with the help from Fenton Works, just got a new ecto radar which detects any ecto entities around the world." Coulson said.

"It doesn't matter. Geir now knows how we work." Dani said as Fitz approached them.

"Don't worry, I expanded my search on the ecto radar with satellite support running. We'll find him. Also, some good news. I fixed the thermos." Fitz said.

"Let me see it. I have to make sure it will work." Dani said.

Fitz leads Dani to the lab where the Fenton Thermos was lying on the table. Dani grabs it to inspect it for any signs of damage before testing it, successfully emitting the powerful blue beam.

"Nice job, Fitz." Dani said with a smile.

"Now all we have to do is find Geir." Ward said.

At that moment, everyone felt a movement coming from the plane as they hear the engines starting.

"Why are we taking off?" Dani said.

Suddenly, everyone heard maniacal laughter.

"Come and get me, She-Phantom!" the voice of Geir can be heard as Dani's ghost sense went off.

"He's on the plane! Coulson, hold on to the thermos." Dani said.

Dani, Ward and May heads to the cockpit, where there's no one at the controls. May tries to steer but the controls won't respond.

"I can't control it." May said.

"Geir must have compromise the controls." Dani said.

At another area of the Bus, Simmons and Skye also felt the plane's take off.

"We're taking off." Skye said.

"Why are we taking off." Simmons asked with concern.

"I'll go check it out." Skye said.

Meanwhile, Ward, armed with a Fenton weapon, arrived at the bar, where he is met by Geir.

"Well, aren't you a brave mortal." Geir said.

"You took May's plane. Give it back." Ward said as he aims the Fenton Pistol at Geir.

"Well then, we can't always get what we want." Geir said before he punched Ward, sending him back towards the wall.

As Ward lays on the floor, May attacked Geir from behind by putting him on a choke hold. Geir however goes intangible, making May crashed into the floor.

"Foolish, maiden. Back attacks won't do any good." Geir said.

"I'm not a maiden. Just a fighter." May said.

Geir and May engaged in martial arts combat. May sends a right hook to Geir's face, but he retaliate with a swift kick to May's legs, making her fall. Geir was about to strike her in the chest, but she managed to move out of the way. May got back up and the two exchanged punches and kicks. Geir at one point tried to ecto blast her, but Ward got back up and charged at him, sending him to the ground. Geir however kicked Ward off of him.

Meanwhile, Dani was at the basement helping Fitz and Simmons to get the plane's controls back in order.

"Give me a few more seconds... and now." Fitz said.

Dani suddenly released some green energy around the plane, which was combating the energy that Geir put on the controls. After a few minutes, Dani managed to get the plane under control and use her energy to get the plane onto auto-pilot, to prevent the plane from crashing.

"Did it. Now to catch Geir." Dani said as she flies off.

Back at the bar, Geir had overpowered May and Ward and was currently in combat with Skye.

"You're such a worthy opponent. Too bad it will lead to your downfall." Geir said as he tried to blast Skye.

"I'm not worthy to beat you... but she is." Skye said, making Geir confused.

At that moment, Geir gets blasted by a ghost ray, sending him crashing into the wall. He looks up to see Dani standing her ground with a determine look on her face.

"Hello, Geir." Dani taught.

"Well, if it isn't She-Phantom, thinking she can beat me and save her friends. Unfortunately, you just met your downfall." Geir said as he gets up.

"Really, cause I just ended your control on this plane." Dani said with a smirk before blasting Geir again.

Dani then check on May, who was still on the floor.

"May, get up. I fixed the plane. Get to the cockpit, quickly." Dani said. "Everyone, get out of here, leave Geir to me."

May got back up and head for the cockpit while the others gets out of the room.

"Let's finish this, Geir." Dani said.

"As you wish." Geir said.

Geir charged at Dani and ram into her, but Dani landed on her feet. Dani blast Geir, but he doesn't budge this time. The two then exchanged punches, kicks and rays. Geir tried to punch Dani, but she blocked it and send a kick to the stomach. Geir retaliated with a kick of his own before throwing Dani. Dani managed to recompose herself before she can crash into a table. Geir then pulls out his sword and tries to strike Dani, but she evaded his deadly attacks. Dani then managed to kicked Geir's sword away before sending a roundhouse kick, sending him crashing through the bar.

"Give up, Geir." Dani said.

"I had enough of you, girl!" Geir said before he tried to ram Dani, but she sends a powerful ecto energy strike, sending him crashing through the bar once more.

"Dani, catch," Coulson said as he throws the Fenton Thermos to her.

"To the Asgardian dungeon for you." Dani said as she fires the thermos.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Geir yelled as he gets sucked into the Fenton Thermos.

"And that finally ends the threat of Gunne and Geir for good." Dani said.

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