Chapter VII

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Jungkook stepped out of his bed, as he took his phone from the counter. He pressed the home button and turned it on. The screen showed 06:24 am. Urgh, so early. Jungkook shrugged. He was about to put down his phone when a word grabbed his attention. 


What? Jungkook took another look at his phone. He squinted his eyes and zoomed in on the screen. It really said Friday. No way that was true. It was Friday three days ago. 

'Jungkook?' A muffled voice could be heard from the other side of the door. 'Are you awake? I'm coming in.' The door was pushed open, by none other than Taehyung. 

Jungkook's eyes widened. Taehyung had the same clothes on, as yesterday and the day before. Why hadn't he noticed? Jungkook rushed passed Taehyung, ignoring the confused look plastered on his bandmates face. He ran all the way down the stairs to the living room. The rest of his bandmates had the same clothes on too. Jungkook felt faint. 

'No way...' Jungkook muttered. His legs buckled under his feet right in front of his members. He could feel hands caressing his face, arms trying to lift him up. Voices saying, 'Are you ok?' It was too much to handle. Jungkook shook them all away. 'Stop.' He stuttered. 'Just stop, please.' He grabbed someone's hand while trying to stand. Jungkook took a deep breath as he lifted his gaze to his members. 'What were we supposed to do today?'

The other members hesitated a while. The dorm was filled with silence. Namjoon answered at last, 'Nothing really. It's Friday? The day, where we don't have to work. You know, our free day, as we call it?'


'Look, if you're not feeling well, we can call a doctor.' Namjoon suggested. 

'No. I feel totally fine. Yeah, I just need some fresh air, that's it.' Jungkook pushed Namjoon away. He could feel the others gaze on him as he headed to the door.

Jungkook climbed the stairs to the roof. He took a few steps out on the roof. The wind blew and pinked his cheeks. The breeze was soft, calming and peaceful. Somewhere far away cars were driving, honking at each other. It was the magical hour when the sun dyed the whole city golden. Past the edge of the building was a forest of constructions. The city flowed under him. Cars raced between red traffic lights. Lights in all kinds of colors, yellow, green, red, pink, purple and blue. It was a dazzling sight.

Jungkook sighed. He let go of all the air in his lungs. He closed his eyes, as he raised his arms. He let the crispy wind lift his body. It felt clean. He felt free. Free from all burdens and problems. Five minutes ticked by. Jungkook didn't want to open his eyes. If he did, the reality would come back. The peace would turn to chaos. He let himself fall deep into the calming music of the city.  

He wasn't sure how much time had passed, but when he forced his eyes open, the sky was painted black. The city glowed in lights. Jungkook sat down heavily on the floor of the roof. Was this reality? Or was this all fantasy? He let his thoughts go back to earlier that day. Time travel shouldn't exist. A sudden idea struck Jungkooks head. 

Jungkook stood up and took a few steps to the edge. He glanced over the building. He knew what he was about to do was insane. But it wasn't like he didn't want it. He was tired of all the problems anyway. He didn't want to be perfect anymore. But if his plan wouldn't work, what difference would it make if he jumped off? 

Jungkook smiled, let his eyes fall closed. He took one last step. It almost felt like flying. He felt a small bump, nothing more.  


'Where the hell is he?' Yoongi asked exasperated. He climbed the stairs with Taehyung. 

'We've looked every f*cking where!' Yoongi sighed. Taehyung turned his head to face Yoongi.

'Don't give up. We'll find him. I promise. I have this feeling that he's on the roof.' Taehyung smiled and patted Yoongi's shoulder. 

'Yeah, you've said that three times now.' Yoongi mumbled.

'Hm, come on let's go.'

They headed up the stairs and pushed the door to the roof open. They turned the corner. A figure stood there on the edge of the roof. A figure, who looked a lot like Jungkook. Brown hair flowed in the wind. A yellow jacket covering the body. He looked so calm. And then out of nowhere, Jungkook fell forward.

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