Chapter IX

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Jungkook was curled up in a ball, in the corner of the sofa. 'Do not think about it. Do not think about it. Do not think about it.' He chanted again and again as if he was put on a curse. Yet, his mind wouldn't agree with him. His thoughts flowed-

'NOOO' Jungkook frantically waved his hands in the air. 

Jin had this smudge look on his face. 'I knew you were gay!' He nudged Namjoon in the stomach and ran off to Hoseok's and Jimin's shared room. Namjoon gasped and ran after the worldwide idiotic man. 

'Stop it right there! You ain't gonna tell the others that Jungkook is gay and has a crush on Taehyung because that is private stuff! You're not supposed to say stuff like that out loud. JIN! PRIVATE STUFF. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?' Namjoon yelled throughout the whole dorm. Jungkook had an overwhelming urge to cry of embarrassment. 

-He stopped his own thoughts. Jungkook jumped up from his spot on the sofa and pulled his hair, shook his head and bounced up and down. Taehyung passed the sofa and sat on the table in front of Jungkook.

'I...' Taehyung tried to say.

'Don't-' Jungkook mumbled. 'You don't have to tell me that it's ok that I'm gay- and that everyone knows. Cuz it's not.'

'I....' Taehyung said loudly, and Jungkook looked at him with tears in his eyes. '...don't like coffee, even though I drink it.'

Jungkook paused, grinned, and then laughed. 'How the heck is that relevant?' 

'I don't know. I just like it better when you laugh.' Taehyung smiled, pink tainting his cheeks. 

'But aren't you creeped out by the fact that I may have a crush on you?' Jungkook looked at his hands. 

'Of course not! I'm magnificent, amazing, beautiful, attractive, clever, handsome, funny, lovely, charming, dazzling, god-looking,  gorgeous and so much more! Who wouldn't have a crush on me?' Taehyung jumped on the table, made a big thumbs up and flashed a grin.

'Omg, I don't think I've ever met a person who has so many adjectives for himself, other than you. Well, besides Jin actually.' Jungkook deadpanned. 'But I'm serious, aren't you creeped out?' 

Taehyung sat down. 'To be honest, yeah a bit. We're best friends and then poof out of nowhere you tell me you have a crush on me. It's a bit much to take.'

Jungkook heaved a sigh and mumbled. 'At least you won't remember this tomorrow.' 

Taehyung shot him an eyebrow. 'I won't remember this tomorrow?'

'Would you believe me if I told you that I am stuck in a time-travel loop? I keep repeating the same day over again and again, but each time with different scenarios.' Jungkook let his hands fall onto the sofa. He sighed, looked at Taehyung for a second, then closed his eyes.

'You think I'm crazy right? That I'm mentally unstable.' Jungkook turned his head away and stood up. 'And you're probably right. This is all inside my head. I should go see a-' 

'Shh, look at me.' Taehyung gently put his hands on Jungkook's chin. 'Don't cry.' Taehyung's finger brushed Jungkook's cheek, as another tear fell down. He pulled Jungkook into his embrace. 'It's ok. I'm here.' Taehyung whispered against Jungkook's neck. 

Jin burst into the room. 'Yo guys I just foun- am I interrupting something?' 

'Omg nooo

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