Chapter XIV

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Jungkook glanced at his watch

60 seconds

a black dog barked somewhere out in the distance

a lonely car drove solemnly passed him

honk move away honk you're blocking the way honk

50 seconds

no clouds passed by and emptiness filled the sky

lights turned off and darkness swallowed the road

shh no place to go shh you're disorientated shh

40 seconds.

another man was sitting on the edge of the road

his eyes were blind and his legs were tied

he could do nothing but could I

stop look around stop stand up stop

30 seconds

people are sleeping right now

one by one they dive underneath their covers

think no restful sleep think nightmares torment think

20 seconds

the phone is ringing and a tone is playing

do people remember do I remember

surviving warmth is spreading surviving cold is however remaining surviving

10 seconds

stars are appearing in the endless sky

clouds are suddenly passing by

alive diversity alive variety alive

1 second

I am standing

I want to experience the universe

living failing living success living

I'm crying

I failed

I'm living

I survived





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