...And it feels so good

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ShadowQueen Ch 2: ...And it Feels So Good

After kissing Regina senseless, Samdi goes the extra mile to bring her a new level of comfort. "Sit back Regina" he says, guiding her back to rest on the arm of the sofa furthest away from him. She sits back confused, it is only when he goes to unzip her boots one at a time to then remove them does she realize what he's doing. After fully removing her boots and socks he begins to gently massage her left foot. He massages with just enough pressure to cause her to release a pleasure filled sigh, "mmm..." Pleased he could get that reaction from her with just his hands on her feet, he begins to imagine all that he could get her to do when he gives her more than just his hands on, or rather, in places much more intimate than her feet. Though this makes him very anxious to get to that part of their interactions, he was serious and genuine in his expressed aim. Tonight, and every other night, if she allows him any passed this one, is all about her. He is well aware that he is and has been the cause of their divide in the past. Yet he's determined this time to do whatever necessary, outside of what may cause Regina harm, to have and keep this perfect woman by his side. "How do you feel my love?" he asks as he works on the tight part of the arch of her foot "mmm... mmmhmm... amazing...uhhnn." Regina is in total bliss at this point, the circles he's rolling in the soles of her feet feel so good, being taken care of feels even better. So even though she is still skeptical of him and his motives, to hell with it, if he wants to care for and please her she'll let him; hell, she'll even make it easier and play along... at least for tonight. Samdi continues to knead her feet one at a time until he is convinced that she is fully relaxed. When he releases her feet, she moves them back to the ground and goes to get up. This throws him a bit. He was sure that he showed his affections and intent to care for her to be true, why is she leaving?

To his surprise, when she moves to get up, it isn't so she can leave. It is so she can further undress herself. She walks over until she is standing right in front of him and begins to undo her belt buckle. At this, he can't help but to drink in the image of this gorgeous woman standing before him. After snapping back to reality, he offers "please, allow me." He moves himself to the edge of his seat to put him in closer range and picks up where she left off. Once her buckle is undone, he unbuttons her jeans, unzips the fly and places a gentle kiss below her navel then another right above the hem of her panties. Upon first contact Regina softly gasps, upon the second kiss she audibly purrs and places a gentle hand behind his head to silently encourage him to continue his ministrations. Once he has her jeans free enough he begins to pull them down all while peppering kisses along the hem of her panties. When they are low enough he nips, and kisses a line down from her navel to right above the sensitive part of her womanhood. These touches bring her breaths to become quick, heavy and a bit ragged. She allows her eyes to close, her head to gently loll back and herself to swim in all the pleasure this man is freely offering.

Once back at the sensitive spot he remains there for a few more nips and kisses before he moves himself back on the sofa to sit where he can pull Regina down to straddle his lap. As she settles down she is all smiles and heavy hooded eyes. "Come here" he beckons to her in sultry tones and pulls at the hem of her shirt to help he remove it, she replies with an equally sultry purring chuckle and leans her forehead into his. From then on, they are all hot and heavy kisses with lots of exploring tongue. Regina is on cloud nine, she hasn't felt this type of pleasure in so very long. She remains lost in his kisses until he lifts her up to gently lay her on her back. After in their new position Regina begins to work at the buttons of his shirt to gain access to more skin; he's way to overdressed for this occasion. They break for air only when Samdi shifts to remove his now unbuttoned shirt. When Samdi is fully topless, Regina can recall the many reasons why she'd enjoyed this man's presence in the past. He is smooth dark chocolate with rippling abdominals and pectorals just waiting to be devoured. Like moths drawn to an open flame, her hands move to explore this chocolate feast laid out before her. With each pass of her hands she becomes more and more hungry for what she knows he can serve up.

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