Ain't No Sunshine

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ShadowQueen Ch. 18: Ain't No Sunshine

After Samdi gets off the phone he heads straight to his closet to go choose a dress that will complement his dear Regina exquisitely and show her to be the belle of downtown Seattle; highlight her as the beauty she already is, the beauty he's known her to be since that summit all those years ago. He pulls out a red, leather, knee length dress that is bold, fierce and elegant just like his lovely love. He pairs it with a pair of gold, crocodile skinned, pointed toe kitten heels to garner her the head turns she's so very deserving of. Too long has she been hidden, bogged down by either the problems of others around her or the pain of loss that would make her suppress the awesomeness she possesses. As he courts this dear woman he will be sure to show her off to any and every one, she is a queen and nothing less.


Quinquennial Beginning of Week Three

The two brothers head toward the grand hall for the next discussion on their schedule but take a detour on the way. "Benjamin, are you sure telling mother and father is the best thing to do right now? They may disapprove and force us to end what we have", young Baron expresses worriedly to his older brother. "Barry, you love this woman do you not?", his brother inquiries, "Brother, you know that I do", Baron assures, "and she makes you happy does she not?", Benjamin questions, "of course she does, more than anything", Baron answers tiredly, unsure of why his older brother is asking such obvious questions. But with his brothers follow up inquiry his confusion fully quells, "Ok with that said, when have mother and father not moved mountains to give us what makes us happy? When have mother or father ever stifled love where we are concerned?", "Never", Baron answers sullenly. "So, like I said, if you want this extravagant way of having the love you want with this woman to present itself, those two are the ones to make it happen", Benjamin solidifies before yoking his brother up to head toward where he's sure their parents are at the moment.

They find their mother first, she's just left a gathering of the Queen's Council and is having joyous conversation with the two of the queens that have exited with her. When she spots them she promptly ends her conversation to greet her son's, "boys, how has your day been treating you thus far?", she inquires in the same joyous tone she was just conversing in. Benjamin pipes up first as Baron is just a bit bashful because of what his intended ask is, "my day has been eventful to say the least, I'm sure dear Barry can concur", he says nudging his little brother knowingly with his elbow to which Baron shoots him a look that could set an ocean ablaze. "Speaking of, my dear brother has a proposition of sorts to pass by your throne, lovely mother dear, yet is slightly fearful of your response. Due to the nature of the proposition I believe we should take our conversation to where very few listening ears are present", just like that, the bold brazen Benjamin threw open the flood gates for Baron to spill his 'proposition' through.

Truthfully, he's not ready and has no idea where to start, but he'd better get it together soon because thanks to his dear brother, his mother is now all ears. Margaux listens to her eldest son and takes his commentary in with much curiosity, it isn't often that her children are fearful to come to her with much of anything. She can only imagine what her youngest boy has to request of her that he needed his older brother to be the ice breaker for, "by all means my dears, let's walk this way, not many people are walking in that space. Is that private enough of a space my loves?", she asks making sure her boys feel comfortable in the speaking space. As Baron looks around he see that, no, not many people are in the space his mother has motioned to so he guesses it's fine, he'll just hold off on names until they are more alone. "Yes, that's fine mother", Baron says as his heart sets its determination to leap completely out of his chest.

He takes a deep breath and begins, "okay... I don't know how to say this or where even to begin...", "at the beginning usually starts a good telling", his mother says humorously trying to ease her baby boy's nerves. "So, as you know, for some time you and father have been dead set on finding me a suitor to be my princess. Yet I've turned the majority of them down because we either just weren't a good fit or I couldn't see myself loving them... ever" he preferences, "yes, this is true, it's been quite frustrating actually... but that's neither here nor there... continue my boy", Margaux says in response as she walks now arm in arm with her baby boy with Benjamin trailing behind them to assure that indeed no one is listening to their conversation.

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