Listen to My Heart Going... 'Ba Doo' Booed Up (pt.2)

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ShadowQueen Ch. 17: Listen to My Heart Going... 'Ba Doo' Booed Up (pt.2)

As they finish their lunch they find that they aren't only full of food but of knots from laughing so hard at the stories the other told. Roni nearly spit a swig of bourbon clean out of her mouth as her lunch date told her of when his college roommate locked him out of his dorm room with nothing but a face towel to cover his lower extremities. Of how he had to walk essentially naked clear around the back of the building to get the spare key he'd hidden for times just like this. Of how he was spotted by an entire observational science class that was taking samples in the place where he was bent over trying to find said hidden key. Of how the only way he survived the embarrassment of the entire ordeal, was the fact that the class, majority female, thought he had a nice ass. Of how said females would continue to make mention of his nice ass each time he was spotted by one of them on campus. Being dubbed from then on, 'Sir Nice-bottom'.

After they recovered from that bout of laughs, Roni recalled an embarrassing moment from her childhood that made Samdi choke on a forkful of mashed potatoes. She told him of the time she nearly wet herself in fear when she was a tike, of a mere nine years old. She told him of how her best friend dared her to watch 'Don't Be Afraid of the Dark', while in the dark, which scared her near to death in itself. Of how it didn't end there. Of how her blasted, mean, cruel so called best friend, Kelly hid under her bed and waited until bedtime. Of how she swung her legs out of the bed to get out of it to go to the restroom only to have Kelly grab one of her ankles and whisper "we want you", just as the demon did to the character in the movie. Of how she's yet to fully forgive her bestie for that one.

As they think over the time spent they find that they've had a really good time together. They haven't laughed that good and hard in a very long time. In fact, a time as good as the one they just shared together was long overdue. At the conclusion of their time together, Samdi polishes off his tumbler of bourbon, pays the tab and bids his dear Veronica farewell until later. He stands, walks the short distance from his chair to hers, pulls her chair out, gives her a hand to help her up and kisses the hand he held for good measure. "I had a wonderful time with you this afternoon Roni. I do hope that 'I don't know yet' has now morphed into a 'yes', because I'd love to spend more time like this with you in the near future", he says as he holds her hands in his and gazes at her beautiful face.

She smiles wholeheartedly at his advances and replies, "it has... and I'd like that as well, Baron". "Awesome", he says smiling in return. He looks at his watch and says, "Well, I have taken up much more of your time than I should have. I know that you're a busy woman and must get back to your daily duties. Can I call you later? Hopefully I'll catch you at a time when you're free to talk", he suggests. "Okay", she agrees. "Good, I'll show myself out then", he says then gives her a chaste, gentle kiss on the cheek before making his exit. The kiss he's laid on her cheek makes her close her eyes, smile and blush like a schoolgirl.

When she's fully gathered herself, she goes over to the bar to greet her sister for the second time that day, smiling like the young girl she was. "Hello again sis", she says as she walks behind the counter to start taking drink orders. "Hello yourself", Zelena quips back, "what was that all about?", she asks. Regina still on the high of Roni's date with Baron Samdi doesn't fully process what her sister has said, "what was what all about?", "Mr. Samdi?... Ms. Miller?...", she clarifies for her, when she still doesn't respond she knows her little sister is completely checked out, "hello, Earth to Regina", she says snapping her fingers in her sister's face, "come back down to the rest of us darling".

Now snapped out of her daze she is free of mind to respond, "I'm so sorry, what did you ask again?", "I asked what all those proper salutations were about... you guys were all Ms. Miller and Mr. Samdi like... I don't you don't know each other", Zelena asks again. Regina, although out of her dreamy daze is still floating on a cloud and answers as such, "that was... brick laying...", "what? Mind explaining?", Zelena requests fully confused. "You're right we did act like we don't know each other. He, Mr. Samdi, is, as he puts it, 'properly courting' my cursed persona Roni so that we, Regina and Faciler, can have a relationship free of awake people, i.e. Rumple, Drizella or Gothel suspecting much of anything", Regina explains in a matter-of-fact tone as if she's just explained the meaning of life.

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